Hi! Here are some animal miniatures carved out of polymer clay. They still need to be painted. The photos are blurry because I used Greg's camera phone instead of my once-trusty canon. The screen went out again (the first time the repair cost me $75 and that was only last year) so I feel like its the beginning of the end. It worked well for 5 years, so I guess I got my money's worth. I think its time for a new one!
I've been hard at work, making one of a kind pieces like the miniatures in a bezel - which won't have resin poured into them. Resin is used mainly to protect and preserve the art under it, but since the polymer is so sturdy, I don't think I need it. These particular pieces are designed with no fragile parts that will break off. The heart shaped one was made by the talented Candace Wakumoto, we're doing a trade of sorts. That piece still has a couple more layers of clay to be added. The guys have been making loads of waxes to cast and have made A LOT of goods for that show, more than I think we had for Tucson, so folks should have a surprising amount to choose from at the Bead and Button Show in MIlwaukee.
Andrew and I are trying to come up with some fun ways to promote the show (any ideas?) he was thinking a raffle or contest to give away a piece of jewelry featuring the newest designs. I'm not sure how that would bring people to the show, but we are optimistic. If anyone has any smart ways to get the word out there's a bead in it for you. Just leave me a comment, and I will draw a few out of the lot.
Do you ever sell these adorable little works of art on-line? I would love to get one! They are amazing!
Maybe somehow tie it into the Bead & Button show site...like to enter into the raffle they would need to tell a class they're taking/wishing they could take or give some sort of information about the show. Or for a contest they could design something inspired by Milwaukee. I don't know...it would possibly draw attention to the show, but I'm not sure how you draw them to your booth unless you also tie that in. Maybe some sort of trivia question that they can answer and bring to your booth. Or, something like mention my website at our booth and get a free...something. :)
I think you should put something up on the blog and that if they mention it at the show, they get a raffle ticket. And for every $50, they get a raffle ticket. Or send out a mass email to all our friends and customers and if they bring in the code word or the coupon, they get a raffle ticket. Then at the end of the show, we'll pull the raffle ticket.
Oh and I'll miss the pendants with the resin on them. I like the look it gave them.
And I love Candice Wakumoto! What are you going to give her in return? You better do whatever it is you promised fast... as we both know that those sort of things accrue interest.
The heart is for Candace, I carve an image inside for her and she gives me one that's empty.
I like the idea of getting a free goodie for saying a secret word. That is very cloak and dagger.
I haven't sold these online because they sell so fast at shows. I could try Etsy or Ebay, I'm not sure how to put them on my site. Greg could work out how to do it.
If there's ever anything that interests you, let me know and I could give you prices.
ooooh! I love esty...it's quite addicting!!...and with my marketing hat on, secret words...and Andrew's thoughts on mass mailings (via your customer list) would be good...any thoughts on the local traffic?? those are the people most likely to come...canvassing some of the local stores, perhaps with a giveaway??
all your work is so wonderful to me! cone back to me after b and b and give me a call!!! Yahoo
You could ask a series of questions in your blog and the first person to bring you all correct answers to your booth at the show will win a piece of jewelry/ or bead(?)
I think Andrew's idea with the raffle ticket is a great one too.
Hey Golden child! How are you? Im still reading your blog! Ways to promote the show to get people there? hrmm well can you send e~mails out to everyone you know have done bussiness with to tell them of this fabulous show thats coming up? And a great raffle that will ensue for a grand (nice) Cynthia Thornton prize! People tend to forget if things arent reminded maybe a bit?
Janet xx
Hi Cynthia,
Two things that draw me in to events are: 1.) coupons and
2.) a little freebie for the first dozen or so who mention seeing your ad ( or perhaps just given out with purchase ). One per customer :)
Its a bit different from a having a drawing because it happens right away, immediate gratification ( either by having a coupon discount or goodie bonus which could be a small decorative packet of Greengirl seeds or tea or something promo like that).
Hi Cynthia,
I'm over here on the West Coast so I never get a chance to see your goodies in person. I really love the fox you've done and when you showed earlier ones I think there was a fox in there that I really liked too. That would be my choice. So if you want to e-mail me the price (if one is still available) that would be great! :)
(And how we can go about the sale)
I never arrive early enough to nab one of your miniatures, but I think they're beautiful (although, I will miss the resin, too).
My suggestion would be sort of a "door prize" type drawing. Anyone who makes a purchase (or a purchase of a certain dollar amount) can pick a paper from a hat. If it's illustrated, then the person will win a bead or some such (of course, a little illustration in itself would be a nice prize, to my mind). It has the virtue of immediate gratification. I suppose the downside is trying to estimate how many papers go into the bowl for drawing.
Also, I don't think it's just the local Milwaukee crowd that can be enticed to attend. I live about a two hour drive away. Every year, I hear the owner of my local bead store (the store exhibits at B&B) encouraging his customers to come, and, believe me, they seem interested. I don't know how you would take advantage of that with the show being only three days away, though...
I love resin. I want your beautiful pendants sooooooo bad! whoo hoo!
oops double post~
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