Look at us in our rented electric car! We had the best time cruising the island in that little thing. We were on a mission, to find the best Key Lime Pie, a custard -like delicacy best when found closest to the source - the Keys (the winner: The Island Fish Co.). I was also determined to taste the best Mojitos ( a lime and mint concoction) ...I still think Greg makes the best. Our island trip could best be described as a quest for flavors and finding the best scenery to consume them in. Not at all difficult in such a beautiful place! We went to another butterfly garden and I picked up a couple of specimens to add to my collection. Bob took loads of pictures of gorgeous jewel -like butterflies and we are ready to carve new nature inspired goods. We are back in Orlando, relaxing in a coffee house, still sluggish from all of our feasting and fun. Azalea is ready to go back to the beach....maybe tommorow!