A few days ago, we hired our friend Meg Reilley to take some family pictures for our album and one to put in the 'about us' section of our website. Meg shot our wedding and also the author portrait in Enchanted Adornments. Above is the 'Totem Pole' pic, as we like to call it. We couldn't resist using the beautiful sugar-soft snow, especially since it was surprisingly warm outside. It rarely snows like this in Asheville, so we were pleased to have such a lovely backdrop.

Azalea and Max.

Snow baby!

Woodland girl.

My woodland girl, pretending to discover a snow baby. She's quite the actor, she loves dress up and games of pretend.

Greg posing as the dreamy forest king.

Let's get a closer look of that business.

Here's Andrew, looking pleased about something, maybe thinking about painting our next collaboration project, or his presents.
I am so happy with how the pictures came out! I think I'll have Meg shoot us again this summer. It would be fun to make props and costumes, like painted paper wings for Azalea and a bird boat for Max. I better start sketching now!