Here's another design by Jessica Wiesel. This is my favorite of her's and I can't wait to use it in a piece with poppy colored beads! It will also be available in pewter.
Azalea practiced her first performance for days, going over her 'astronaut' lines so she wouldn't forget. I thought the whole kindergarten show was pretty cute.
Once and awhile I get frustrated with myself, like an odd stone in a paved path. I read an email recently praising up a storm about my perfect life and perfect family and how easy my life must be. I suppose it would seem that way and in truth, my life is pretty close to perfect (if only I had more land for chickens and miniature donkeys....). I am a lucky girl in so many ways, but perfect I am not. For instance, I have a bad habit of expecting everyone to be a busy body because I am. We were told from an early age that 'Idle hands are the Devil's playground', so I am always doing something, even when I watch t.v. my sketchbook is open....just in case. So its really hard for me to go to social gatherings with new people because I'm afraid they'll think I'm rude if I pop open my bag and pull out knitting. Its very frustrating for Greg, who is so patient with my wacky ways. Add to that my irrational annoyance with folks who don't get my ticks and you have the makings of a hermit. Actually, hermit may be the wrong word, what do you call a person that really likes to stay in their studio, joined only by other crafty people? Hmm. Anyway, the 'easy' part nearly made my eyes bug. I realize not everyone would know that I worked 3 jobs at one point and freelanced for years to get this perfect life I'm living. I wonder sometimes at the ease of other peoples lives, but don't envy them. I believe that all the work I've done, all the bad times, the life lessons that have proven deeply unpleasant have contributed to the mostly strange, occasionally good natured and sometimes cranky person I am today.