Hello! Its been rainy, but not cold, so we went out adventuring. Our family tends to hibernate in the winter months. Its natural. Since it was warm, we ran around to the bookstore, so Azalea could play and I could check out the instructional art books. I know I have dozens, but I have to see whats new. I've been tossing around the idea of making my own art instruction book, to show some of the techniques we employ here at GGS. I'm not thinking casting, as there are lots of good books just on that, but more on design (comfortable and timeless), inspiration (to stay unique) , pmc, polymer,resin,mold-making and useful tips to make jewelry that's heirloom quality. That's the idea, anyway and I think there is room for it on the market.
The idea came about a few years ago when my brother Andrew said it would be neat to make a book that encompassed the techniques we've improved on. I think at the time we thought it would have everything from felting critters to sketchbook tips to recipes. The subject came up recently in Tucson when we were approached by the awesome folks at Interweave, asking us if publishing a book would be something we'd be interested in. Of course! Since then two other companies have emailed with the same query. We thought it was extremely flattering and I was embarrassed, yet pleased, because it meant they thought we had something useful to share. I'm curious if folks would buy it. What do you think?
Frick update: Big surprise, the big baby didn't really react, he just looked at Kitsune, gave a deep sigh of disappointment, then went back to eating. I was envisioning a huge fight with lots of hissing and pooping, but nothing of the sort happened. Paddy doesn't mind the new baby at all, watching her from his high perch, he's all love and affection. Frick avoids her, which is easy because he avoids everyone, spending his days in some hidden location, revealing himself only to go out or eat. So its pleasant here, the sweet trilling of LeeLu filling the house, combined with Mochi's charming burble - who needs music? Except, Jack Johnsons new album, which is lovely.