“The boundaries are always there—between the graveyard and the world beyond, between life and death, and the crossing of them.” - Neil Gaiman
I just finished The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman and I have to say, its one of the best stories I've read in a long time. Its beautifully written, darkly humorous and really memorable. I found myself thinking of the hero, Nobody Owens, fairly often, wondering about him as though he were a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I hope there's more.
I'm always reading half a dozen books at any given time, there are books by the bed, a stack (well, actually there are many stacks ) by my desk and around the house. I love books and reading, so they are anywhere I might sit for a few minutes. You can imagine the dining room. Yes, stacks there, too. I've read a little more the last week, allowing myself a little luxury.
I've also indulged in some t.v.! Andrew and I got Long Way Down from netflix, a documentary about Ewan McGregor riding a motorcycle from Scotland down to Cape Town, S.Africa. We've only watched the first episode, and I think its pretty interesting, especially all the survival training and Ewan being charming and nice.
I once entertained dreams of riding across the country on a motorcycle, but realized my uncoordinated self needs serious practice before I get back on to anything two wheeled. This is after an incident in Key West, involving a Vespa and the back of a vintage Jaguar. Nothing hurt but my pride. All I need is practice. Maybe I could get a dirt bike....
Last week was so depressing, with Grandma's passing, but we've made an effort, at what I'm not sure. Not happy, just comforting I guess. It was nice to have both Andrew and Sheila here, we talked about it, told our favorite stories and then had a party. We invited a bunch of our friends over and Andrew made a huge pot of amazing chili and cornbread, then we drank beer and honey mead. It was perfect. We also enjoyed some American Idol and laughed at the thought of me shaming myself on t.v. We agreed it would be an embarrassment for my family on an epic scale, generations shaking there heads in horror. Its like the time I sang in front of a crowd in a blues bar in Chicago...my face still burns at the memory...ugh. Ah well, that's life, isn't it? I'm chock full of remincing tonight/this morning! I'd like to thank everyone again for the comments and cards that were sent our way, it was really nice and I felt loved. How could I not appreaciate that? Thanks, y'all, you're the best.