I was so inspired, I researched the heck out of the goldfish and watched loads of videos on youtube. I have a collector's nature, thorough and obsessive, which can be good, or really weird. Of course, I'm obsessed with so many things, its hard to pick a favorite, my top three would be dolls, goldfish and maybe gemstone beads, or books. Shoes and bags would make the list, but its hard to say. I am really into chocolate too. And super into art supplies. Ok, forget top three's, because I can't decide.
Oh! The super cute fuzzy green moss balls are alive! They are called Marimo balls and they are from Nano Lake, in Japan. They are popular 'pets' and kept on desks for good luck. They are propagated by splitting up larger balls. Kind of like the fuzzy creatures on my favorite Star Trek episode. I like to imagine them rolling in huge herds on the bottom of the lake, getting as big as Volkswagon Beetles. Anyway, its become the meditation station in the house.