The last few weeks have streaked by, unnoticed by myself as I've settled into a rhythm of sorts. It seems like one never ending evening, since I work all night, sometimes till dawn. I work better at night, listening intermittenly between books on tape and the wind rustling through the many trees. Its nice. I'm loving this strange cycle and I'm getting a lot done in the process. I feel slightly panicked as the deadline is rushing toward me, focusing my attention all the more sharply. The only drag is not spending the usual amount of time with my family and friends. I'm glad they are patient and undemanding.
I just finished listening to the 'Twilight' series by Stephanie Meyers, caving after hearing all the hype. I think they are o.k., but not amazing. I had difficulty relating to the young heroine, smitten beyond reasoning, ready to give up everything for a 'beautiful' boy. Maybe its just me, but I couldn't wrap my brain around the concept of being that entirely dependant, ready to die, ready to give up my family for a dude. Ok, I'm well over the intended age group, but I can still remember being an angst ridden teen, staring wide eyed at the local pretty boy. I think I may have thrown a tangerine at him. I liked to show affection by tormenting the object of my admiration , if they stuck it out, well then there you go. I was a tomboy, hopelessly disheveled from hanging out in orange groves and lake sides, hunting for interesting objects. Yep, I can't relate. I prefer a more rambunctious heroine, not afraid, not completely sissyfied (said sis-a- fied!). Anyway, it was o.k., I was entertained and annoyed (I hate figuring out the mystery too easily) and some of the characters are really funny. I'm going to listen to Susanna Clarkes 'Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell' and Neil Gaiman's 'Anansi Boys' again, because those are really darn good and they have a nice magical quality that I love. Ok, time to get back to work!