Hi! I've decided to extend the contest deadline for another month, since it was pointed out that a couple of weeks isn't a lot of time and the short deadline wasn't conducive to creativity. I think it will be fun and inspiring to see what people make. I will post a quick tutorial of the studded bead if you don't have Enchanted Adornments and also some examples of the technique. Send in your pics and see if you win this sweet mechanical owl, which is only available at shows at the moment.
I just finished my entry and am taking photos now :)
Thank goodness it sunny outside ( at the moment at least!)
Awesome! I look forward to seeing it!
I don't see the tutorial for the studded bead?
Thats because I haven't made it yet. I will post it the moment its done.
Yay! I got out your book and refreshed my memory. I then decided I didn't have time to create something along with all the reading and writing that I HAVE to do with my graduate studies. Now that you have extended, I will definitely find time to make something!
Thanks, Ann
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