Hi there! This is Azalea at Sheila's new studio space at the River Works Warehouse. Sheila loves it. I am slightly jealous. My studio is a wreck and I have no energy to organize it, especially when it will all have to be brought down when the floors come. The kitchen floors are underway, mini tiles of tumbled slate (very natural and amazing) I will show pics when the job is complete. The men are hard at work, laying all the little pieces out. Im pretty impressed, I don't think I'd have the patience. Tomorrow the countertop people are coming-yay! We have been arguing continuously over colors, one is dark slate (almost black) the other a chunky biege. Im for the dark corian, everyone else is like 'its too dark!' or 'soooo masculine!' it will probably end up light. I 've been staring at too many magazines displaying artsy kitchens, minimal and clean. Reality says that the counters are always full of teapots, fruit and jars of goodies. I am a foodie after all. Its exciting to finally get a new kitchen! Next will be my studio, I can hardly wait. Next year I will tear up the lawn, I've been collecting landscaping websites, saving them till its time to call in the design people. I'm getting ahead of myself...its fun to dream.
The last few days have been spent writing furiously. I'm lucky to live with such creative people, willing to listen to me tell my stories and give insightful ideas. I've really enjoyed working on my project, its been awhile since I've had a chance to submerge myself in it. I'm so glad my sis is here to watch Azalea while I work. I was really terrified to put up that little story, but I had to know if others would find it interesting. I was moved by the gracious comments, they really encouraged me, gave me the push to go forth! Thank you, so much for taking the time, i really needed it!
You're so welcome! Thanks for the honor of reading it, and the opportunity to give some encouragement. You have a wonderful voice and perspective, I look forward to more...
It must be so wonderful to have a home that you can mold into what you envision...good luck with all the renovations. Wouldn't it be nice to see design ideas along with actual indications of people living there...would make it so much easier to know how it would look in real life ;-).
I gave you an award today. checked out the book you like, as well. seems neat!
Yo! Get the dark tile. If you get anything on them, as you know will eventually happen, it'll be easier to blend in. The lighter tile will just mean that you have to scrub them all the time, like me and my ugly floors.
Is that a stuffed animal of a rat? If it is, why does she have it?
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