Look at my woodland creature! She had so much fun running around with her buddies in Greenville. We did something different, Trunk or Treat, which is held in a parking lot with cars trunks popped open and folks giving out candy. The concept is less fun than beggars night (waiting in a long line to collect candy as opposed to running from house to house). I think its for saftey. Maybe next year I'll get a bunch of people together to make a 'creepy village' or 'spooky woods'. I did like the pony quite a bit.
We worked on rearranging and organizing, which is always refreshing. I love how it looks! We had a few friends over to taste some cheeses and good wines, something I never tire of doing. I suppose paradise would include a massive cheese selection (including all the aged, funky goaty ones) and no headache inducing wines. Well, I'm back on schedule tomorrow, ready to make loads of new goods.
Awwwwwwww. Cute costume.
Halloween looks like it was a lot of fun where you were. It's cute to see Girl dressed up like that, because she's like the mini version of her momma at Faerie Con. Cute! You should make another pair of antlers and go out together like that.
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