Hello! I made my girl a tutu and flower garland so she could get into character as the pixie princess. We went to the store to get pickles (we can't get enough pickles-dill, bread and butter, dilly beans, love, love,love) and I spotted this pretty tulle, and being a fabric addict, I grabbed some in three colors and some fake fur in cheetah and seal. And some really good cotton twill for dolls. I am Captain Craft O'Matic today! A tutu, garland, and a sprite (made from wire and polymer) since yesterday. I meant to organize, but that is, as we all know, a complete drag. So, with complete abandon, we watched movie after movie and stitched and sculpted (my girls a whiz with play-doh) with no thought if it would make money. This sounds terrible, but when your self employed, everything you make is for sale. Or in my case, it needs to be castable. So its a luxury to make fun, one of a kind pieces. I need to do this at least once a month or become 'hard to get along with' as my mama says. No one likes a cranky artist, so here I am with nothing done for the
BABE! show next week, but I'm pleased as punch. I'm almost finished with the sprite that will live in my new cabinet, she needs a face, hair and wings. I bought directions online on how to make fairy wings, hopefully I'll do it right. I'm determined to finish everthing except the wings tonight, or I won't sleep. So, I guess I have to announce a winner for the contest, I know, I know, its been like two weeks and everybody thinks I'm trying to keep the necklace Andrew made (I would never do anything like that! Also, its green and I have loads of green necklaces) but the truth is, I hate picking one person, its like eating truffles in front of everybody and not sharing. But theres one necklace! I will do another contest then, so no one is mad at me. Ok, the winner is.......MELISSA! Mellisa, contact me with your address. Thanks to all who participated and check back soon for the next contest.
Looks like you all are having lots of fun. I salute you, Captain Craft O'Matic!
I can't believe I won your drawing - I'm so excited! It's absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to wear it. Thank you, thank you! I've sent you an email with my address information.
Actually, I visited your blog today to say thank you for writing about the book _Altered Curiosities_. I'd seen it on the shelves several times and never picked it up. We were at the bookstore yesterday, and I flipped through it. It ended up coming home with me. What a great book...
I'm going to go dance around the living room now!
Thanks again,
Have fun at BABE...those are my old stomping grounds! Adorable tutu...I love making them for my girls!
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