Wednesday, December 26, 2007
For Ann

Sea Quilt

more polymer

I brought my traveling studio so we could make stuff while we talked. I think one of my early mentors, Mrs. Bassett used to say 'Busy hands are happy hands!'. I think that phrase stuck. I am really liking all this colored clay business. The birdgirl, pug and deergirl are mostly colored polymer, hardly any painting required, just washes here and there, then a few highlights. I saw all these cute mini sculptures of babies on the internet and wanted to make one as well, so this is my second attempt. I'm having trouble keeping my clay pristine while I work (fuzzies get on it, or dark spots from other clay) so I have to paint it afterward, ruining that porcelaine finish. Its easier with faster pieces that I can make quickly then bake, but if it requires multiple firings, things start looking a little murky. I will have to do more experiments.
Jenny's Gift

Friday, December 21, 2007
Glass Eyes

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
House Sprite

Hello! Look what I finished today! Sheila watched Azalea so I had the whole day to play. This little lady (about 3" tall, knees to hair) is a house sprite, a fey creature that borrows things when your not looking, making it impossible to find your keys. I made her out of polymer clay and wire, then painted her with acrylics. The hair is wool and the clothes, velvet and suede. She will live in my cabinet of curiosities, along with my other strange beasties and dollies. Note to doll makers: I don't recomend smoothing the polymer with sculpey dilutent or liquid sculpey as this makes very strange boils on the surface. Very annoying. Anyway, I'm trying to think of a good way to do the eyes so they look more realistic. I looked up tiny glass eyes and didn't like the prices. Maybe I'll get the torches out and make my own. I haven't made anything with glass in years. Now i have an excuse. I have procrastinated to my hearts content today, narrowly avoiding all the work thats piling up for Tucson. Yes, in a few short weeks it will be upon us. Tommorow I shall make more ornaments because they are loads of fun and I don't want to make originals yet, I'm still thinking.
Polymer experiments

Here are some things I've been playing with lately, all in polymer clay. I made the beads from directions out of the book Making Polymer Clay Beads. I think they look better in person (so much glare!). The little doll head ornaments took most of this evening to make and I'm really pleased with them. I was inspired by the head ornaments on strange dolls and found them so much fun to make! I could sculpt doll heads all day, but I don't like making the bodies, so these ornaments are perfect to make.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Cat Girl

Look at who's coming to live with me! I've admired Beth Robinson's work for some time now and I am so happy to add her work to my collection. She makes her dolls from polymer,acrylic, vintage fabric, and human hair. Very creepy in a good way.
Monday, December 10, 2007
New Sketches

These are a couple of sketches done with gouache (an opaque watercolor) picked up after the urging of my painter buddy Jeremiah. He suggested acrylic gouache, which I thought was some sort of witchcraft, but he assured me it was magical. Well, after scouring every art supply store around, I gave up and bought the regular, inexpesive stuff. I had my doubts, as it was the main tool of torture at CCAD (where I went to school) and thought since I wasn't painting a color concept asignment, it might be nice. Glad I tried it. It gave my sketches a finished quality thats satisfying to see in my sketchbooks. I've been thinking alot about painting recently, tentatively putting down thoughts, in hopes the feeling doesn't flit away. Its scary, sometimes, to make art and then show it. Sharing it on this blog is a little easier, as I'm more comfortable here. But the goal is to make this new work, show it, make prints. These are just sketches of things to come...
New Fabric

Look at this pretty fabric I picked up at Asheville Cotton Company! Nice for pinafores and dolly dresses. Today was so nice out! Almost 70! It was nice walking around and enjoying the weather. We finally finished putting up the tree, which has a sort of enchanted forest, folk lore effect. After I clean tomorrow I will show it off.
Saturday, December 08, 2007

We are back from Florida, it was a good time! On the way home we stopped at the beach to walk around and hunt for seashells. Very refreshing after sitting in the car for a couple of hours. Later we got back on the road and took another break at the Jacksonville Zoo, which proved to have a large selection of interesting birds (my favorite!) and the cutest, tiniest monkey I have ever seen. Now I'm obsessing how to make a doll that small and fur covered (the pygmy monkey was about 6" ! Amazing!). Its good to be home.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I found Kathleen Lolley on Art Star and would love to own all her work! I can see we share many influences: owls, pods, Remedios Varo and strange beasties. Looking at her work puts me in the mood to paint!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Lake Lily

The show was a little slow today, so we went outside to walk around Lake Lily (which is right outside) to feed the birds. We saw loads of red striped turtles, black cormorants and my favorite, white ibises. Oh, and one gator.
I bought some simple cut green amythyst and coin shaped smokey quartz to add to my ginormous collection. I also bought a couple of fancy cut crystals that are 'tools for enlightment' or 'magicians stones'. I like things like that, the hang tags so full of hope, so sure of there amazing powers. Descriptions are so much fun to read! Catalogs with carefully worded descriptions are some of my favorite things to read, I love Sundance Jewelry and
Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs...the way they describe the products make me want everything. Why wouldn't I want a 'mermaids hairpin' or smell like 'spun sugar'? I really need to work on our descriptions, I used to make a catalog with folklore and stories, but that would be outdated within a couple months. I will add it to my things to do list.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Small and sweet

In Orlando
I'm in Orlando, sitting in a bookstore, amazed yet again at how much things change around here. I grew up in these parts, so its weird to pass once familiar places and see them transformed into slick, commercial outposts. I passed our old house and was surprised to see a new building in its place. I was instantly reminded of afternoons spent up trees and in the rafters of ancient barns, investigating the nest of a speckled owl. I'm reminded of what little it took to entertain me, to make me happy. I didn't need much, a good book, a shady place to rest and maybe a few tangerines from our grove. Its easy to forget how beautiful it is to live simply, to be grateful for small blessings. I think of myself as a kid and remember its ok to play, to make things, to enjoy this life. Interestly, these small shifts in thinking have lifted the fog that has settled around me. So, with my new clarity, I'm off to spend some time with my sketchbook.
Friday, November 30, 2007

Hi there! Busy around here, with the holidays and all. I find that this time of the year I feel like hibernating and not coming out till spring. So I've been putsing around the house, getting nothing done, feeling totally uninspired to do anything. I've slowly organized my studio, so that its easier to find things. My space has a tendancy to pile up wherever I'm working, not with trash, but with things that inspire me, or tools and materials. I like having it close on hand, but when you switch crafts as often as I do, things get a little confusing. I had been making felted cupcakes and cartoon characters when I realized that in a couple of days we would be leaving to go to Orlando for the Maitland Show. This happens fairly frequently, I tend to misjudge time. I always think I have loads and loads, then I have to work like a maniac. Thank goodness I'm fast. When I'm in a slump, when I can't manage to make anything good, when I lose things continously, I find its best to just give in for the moment and stop. I watch loads of movies when this happens. Its kind of like meditating, because I can let go of everything crowding my thoughts. I watched the Firefly series again and loved it even more than the first time. It was fun to escape for awhile. Although I don't recomend watching it while felting, you'll poke yourself silly. Anyway, if your in Orlando this weekend, stop by and see us!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Bezel Class

Fun in Chicago


Hi there! This is my long -time friend Jeremiah Ketner at his studio. The super cute boys belong to him. I dropped off Greg and Azalea in Cincinatti, while I contiued on to Chicago to prep for the bezel class. We had a great time shopping for materials and catching up. It was fun working in a different enviroment with another artist, so much energy! Jeremiah and I have been collaborating on a kids book for about a year now, it was good to to re-examine our work.
clay head
Sunday, November 11, 2007
River District

We went to the River District Art Walk today and had the best time. Azalea and I met up with Tony, Lisa and Deborah near a warehouse called the 'wedge' which was filled with artists spaces. Now I knew Asheville had a thriving art community, but I was unaware of all the sweet studios they were sporting. I've lived here for four years and never did the art walk, so I was pleasantly surprised by the numerous buildings jam packed with artists of every category. Also surprising/aggravating was to walk into a space we were considering renovating,( but thought it too much work) and see it completely finished. It was $700 a month for about 3000 sf. Sometimes its good to jump on an opportunity when you have a chance (obvious, I know, I'm still kicking myself). On the other hand, it's now I nice place to take art classes, like 'Mommy and Me', which it wouldn't have been if I ran it. What would we have done with it? Casting, fabricating, moldmaking, and we would have good ventilation....ah, to dream. So it was fun to see art being made and shown, so much enthusiasm! I'm on the lookout again for space over there, hopefully we'll get lucky.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
New Doll

I love my new doll! I love dolls in general, but I particularly enjoy bizaare ones. It seems there is a whole community of people devoted to these dolls. I wanted one the moment I clapped eyes on her at flea market about 20 years ago. My mom refused to buy her for me on the grounds that she didn't like " her 'steering' at me" (said with a thick accent). I wanted that doll probably more than I wanted the utterly pathetic creature called 'Little Miss No-Name' another doll from the seventies with ginormous eyes on an equally humongous head. It never bothered me a bit how piddly their bodies were, I had loads of other big-headed dolls. My older brother always enjoyed telling me the medical conditions my dolls had...elephantitus of the head, water on the brain, or some other obscure malady. I didn't care, I loved my little collection.
We have been reorganizing and rearranging my studio and working on samples for an upcoming class in Chicago. I will be teaching silver bezels with sculpted interiors with Lisa Blackwell. I'm really excited to be going back to Chicago, its been awhile since my last visit. I'm also nervous about teaching, I have a tendancy to give information overload, for fear folks won't get their monies worth. I have a lot of secret techniques to share, so if you're in town sign up, there are a couple spots available.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Tree House

Today we worked outside on the tree house that Tony started a couple days ago. We watched for the Sasquatch and Grass Dog (from Lady in the Water) and we tried to spot all the fairy dwellings around the fort. I counted three. We searched for acorn caps that were interestingly shaped so we could use them for doll hats, but we didn't find any. We had lots of fun today, my girl pretending to be a benevolent queen and I, the trusty pony to pull her chariot (wheel barrow).
When I was a kid, I played in the deserts of New Mexico with my sister under a huge, upturned tree; it was like a shallow cave with the roots dangling down for a roof. We used to tie pieces of glass to the roots as sun catchers and line up busted open 'thunder eggs' (we didn't know they were called geodes-we opened them by banging them on the sidewalk) around the tree, like a sparkly fence. I hadn't thought of our fort and all the days we spent fixing it up, for years. I felt small again and full of wonder.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Pixie Girl

Friday, November 02, 2007

Look at my woodland creature! She had so much fun running around with her buddies in Greenville. We did something different, Trunk or Treat, which is held in a parking lot with cars trunks popped open and folks giving out candy. The concept is less fun than beggars night (waiting in a long line to collect candy as opposed to running from house to house). I think its for saftey. Maybe next year I'll get a bunch of people together to make a 'creepy village' or 'spooky woods'. I did like the pony quite a bit.
We worked on rearranging and organizing, which is always refreshing. I love how it looks! We had a few friends over to taste some cheeses and good wines, something I never tire of doing. I suppose paradise would include a massive cheese selection (including all the aged, funky goaty ones) and no headache inducing wines. Well, I'm back on schedule tomorrow, ready to make loads of new goods.
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