Its a whirlwind of production here! Andrew and I have worked like mad to create new art for up-coming shows. He made loads of pmc charms to sell at the Long Island Bead Festival ( september 9). I have fiddled with a sculpture so long my eyes are crossing! Its not done yet. We are collaborating on an small oracle deck (like runes, or tarot) , combining collage backgrounds (Andrews job) with tempera figures and details (my job). I love the idea of mini art that you can carry, with the bonus of divanation! I do love useful art! Greg wants to design a game to play with them as well. Its fun researching symbols for colors, objects and animals. Although its a pain looking for a company to gild the edges of the cards. I thought it would be easy, I see loads of things with gilding: wedding invites, planners, bibles, bookmarks...so frustrating. I really want to find a company to do that!
The winner of this round of commenting is.......Janet! I drew out of a bowl. I was going to film Azalea pulling a name out of a hat but she told me she had 'to make work' and didn't have time. She is so sassy. Yay!Janet! You get a necklace! Yay! I will hold another contest soon! I like getting comments!
Congratulations to Janet! The necklace is wonderful, she's a lucky person for winning it.
The oracle deck sounds great! I have a collection of tarot, rune, and flower essence decks. I'd love to have a green girl deck (gilded or not, it wouldn't matter, in fact, I don't think I have a single gilded deck, I guess a gilded one would be pretty unique!) The only one I have that's playable is the Lord of the Rings tarot deck...we had a lot of fun with that one for a while.
I found this card game today... http://www.omnianathegame.com/
You might find it interesting.
Have fun with all your projects. Can't blame Azalea...she's a busy girl ;-)...maybe next time...tell her I'd love to see her pull a name out of a bowl!
Cynthia...I've been wondering about the gilding issue...not sure why ;-)...but there is a deck called the Golden Tarot that is made by usgames and has gilt edges...
go here...www.usgamesinc.com and search for the deck...the full link won't fit here.
I also was thinking of the company that the wedding studio I worked for used to get albums with gilt edges from in brooklyn...i think it was this place..www.classicalbum.com on Lorimer street...maybe they have some information or can do the gilding...good luck...
Oh Cynthia I am so Happy! I prayed and asked if I could win it and I did! Well shiver me timbers! Its a lovely necklace Cynthia! Did any of the comments spur you on for an idea...did you decide to use any of them? Maybe someone gave you an idea...Well that makes my day! Thank you so much for the oppertunity for this lovely necklace! You are sweet.
Congratualtions Janet! You are a nice person!
Yay, congratulations Janet you lucky duck! :)
Congratulations Janet!! I envy you! ;-)
That sculpture that Pat Lillich made reminds me exactly of a drawing that is apart of the game "Everquest 2". I tried like hell to find the picture, but I couldn't. It's a woman with insect legs and "torso" of sorts, but of course exposed breasts and some funny looking head dress. Anyway, once I find that picture I'll post it here. Kinda miffs me knowing they could've copied it. :P oh well. Looks cool anyway.
Jen,I don't think this artist would copy. The imagery here is ancient. Half creatures (mermaids, birdgirls, centaurs) are symbols for the duality of humankind, existing in every culture the world over. It's common for artists to give animals or objects human qualities (anthropromorphising)like my root babies...part plant, part person. Its a derivitive of the mandrake, which is a magical root in the shape of a person, used in stories, film (Harry Potter and Pan's Labrynth,etc.) and art. Mixing up human and animals isn't new, but its so interesting! How can any artist resist? I make birdgirls (aka sirens/harpies) even though they've existed in literature since ancient greece, but I don't care, I've made them my own, and will continue to, because I'm drawn to the imagery. I don't think anyone should limit themselves because a thing's been done before, it could be done better or improved. Of course there is a difference between improving on an idea and copying one, I agree that stealing is bad.
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