Its a whirlwind of production here! Andrew and I have worked like mad to create new art for up-coming shows. He made loads of pmc charms to sell at the Long Island Bead Festival ( september 9). I have fiddled with a sculpture so long my eyes are crossing! Its not done yet. We are collaborating on an small oracle deck (like runes, or tarot) , combining collage backgrounds (Andrews job) with tempera figures and details (my job). I love the idea of mini art that you can carry, with the bonus of divanation! I do love useful art! Greg wants to design a game to play with them as well. Its fun researching symbols for colors, objects and animals. Although its a pain looking for a company to gild the edges of the cards. I thought it would be easy, I see loads of things with gilding: wedding invites, planners, bibles, bookmarks...so frustrating. I really want to find a company to do that!
The winner of this round of commenting is.......Janet! I drew out of a bowl. I was going to film Azalea pulling a name out of a hat but she told me she had 'to make work' and didn't have time. She is so sassy. Yay!Janet! You get a necklace! Yay! I will hold another contest soon! I like getting comments!