These are some one of a kind pieces by me and Lisa Blackwell. She makes the gorgeous pmc boxes (intricately detailed on the sides and backs) and I fill them with clay and paint. The smallest (mushroom bezel) is 3/4" from top of bail to bottom-its tiny. I nearly went blind carving it. Now I'm completely smitten by their cuteness and don't want to sell them. Typical of me. They need to be encased in resin, to protect them, but this is like putting something in water, it flattens the space and diffuses the light, which can be cool, but lessens the depth. I'm thinking of floating a thin sheet of mica over the next batch. I'm so tired and so determined to finish 5 more tonight. I like a good challenge.
Oh these are GOOD! So very really good! Perhaps you can add a page to your website or an Etsy page with your special limited edition goodies like these.
You and Lisa really did an amazing job. Can't wait to see them in person. You're going to have to keep them behind the glass when you show them to me though, because I'll want to claim one.
These are so great! My favorite by far are the owls. Ummm, you've gotta sell these!
Wow, those are amazing! I really, really love the mushroom one! I think you should sell these online so I can purchase one! :)
GASP! I own a lot of your wonderful work, but these are by far the most wonderful. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE consider selling some...
I Love love love them! I would buy the mermaid right now!
Oooooooh, I'm right there with everyone else-I want one!!!!! These are so amazing!! I think the crows (ravens?) are my favorite. Although that fox is pretty cute! You have much talent!!! Thanks for sharing. Please let us know when and where you'll be selling! (hint, hint!)
I second the Etsy request...yes, these are gorgeous...love the owl!
Hi Cynthia,
I'm a friend of Gaea's and found your blog through hers. Can I just add to the chorus of voices pleading with you to sell us these most amazing treasures? They make me weak in the knees. And if you won't sell them (who could blame you) would you sell us pictures of them so we can marvel at the wonder of them all?
I want them all :)
How many requests does it take to get to the center of a beautiful portrait pendant... ah 1, ah 2, ah crunch! These are amazing!
I'll add my vote here, too - if you sell any, I will be standing in line with everyone else in a heartbeat! They are completely beautiful.
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