It was strange coming home after such a long trip in Florida, the air here is so crisp, the colors muted. It was also so quiet, my two lovebirds that I'd had for years (Pika about 4, Kiwi 8 ) had died while I was away - the news left me sad and deflated. I'd grown so attached to them and their silly ways, Kiwi chirping in time with Tom Petty and Pika's beak blushing when Kiwi would kiss her. I miss them, they had kept me company for a long time. So I've been a little self indulgent these past several days, spoiling my remaining bird, a powder blue parrotlet that goes by Mochi, Mochika and Chica Baby and drawing pictures of Pika and Kiwi. Today I finally got down to business and started carving new pieces for the Big Show in Tucson. Its a couple weeks away and we are behind schedule, I'm past freaking out and have adopted a dazed shock to go with my sadness. Not good. I'm staying up all night to see how many of my designs I can carve till dawn. We shall see.
OH! I'm sorry to hear that the birds are dead. Even though they would sometimes bite me, I still liked them. They were pretty pretty birdies. I'll miss talking to them and doing the bird language with them. Awwwww.
My sympathies go out to you Cynthia. I have one cat, and it will be a sad sad day when I someday lose her. :(
Oh, poor birds. I'm sorry, Cynthia.
Oh no!!!
I am so deeply sad for you.
A few years ago when I was in Port Townsend teaching, I got news that my kitty-love had died- followed by a frantic call saying she had come back to life- but would really need to be put down after all.
I was so far away from her, and felt completely wrought with sadness and guilt for being so far away and having to make such a big decision.
The worst part was not being able to say good-bye to my little soul-mate.
It was one of THE most terrible days of my life- ever.
Coming back to the "strange quite" and the "change"... is so hard I am sure.
Your illustrations are a brilliant and perfect tribute to them.
Do these little birds tend to perish at the same time because they are so close to each other? I mean- is it odd that they went together???
My thoughts are with you.
Everything will be okay.
J a n e
Sometimes they die if their mate dies. Kiwi was always sickly with preen gland problems and bouts with other issues I can't seem to recall at the moment. I think this is what happened.
Thanks so much, for your kind words everyone! It means alot to me. They will always be with me now.
I am sorry to hear this too. It's a blessing how much our companions add to our lives, and it's always sad when they have to leave us.
I am so sorry. I had a parakeet who was sick whom I loved so much w went to ever doctor and clinic near NYC... I refused to work late at my job -- after 5 pm...and got fired! I didn't care. Birds are so sweet.
Awww Im so sorry Cynthia! They are little people arent they?! I know. I have a sun conure and a quaker parrot and theyre so alive and wanting to please...but so fragile! I hope I will have mine a long time but we never know...:( Great huggs to you Missy!
so sorry to hear about your birdies!!! sending love!
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