My girl showing off her new silver 'Alice-in-Wonderland-shoes' and the hostas blooming behind her. The daisies are also in bloom.

We are very interested in the British Science Fiction show, Doctor Who. This little plumpy is a creature from last season, called an Adipose Baby. I made this glow in the dark one for Azalea, who always gets to be the Dr. when we're playing.

My last post proclaimed my readiness to hit the studio and create....so I did, accompanied by my imagination machine daughter and charming baby son. I unleashed my creative prowess making miniature sweets out of polymer clay! I asked Azalea what she thought we should do while daddy was away at the Best Bead Show in Baltimore and that's what she picked. So, we rolled out polymer, textured it and glazed it, the process similar to actual baking. As you can imagine, we enjoyed ourselves immensely!
Now the kids are asleep and I'm taking the opportunity to collect my thoughts at the end of the day. Sometimes I think I should be more focused, more driven to make art. There are so many thoughtful quotes to remind artists to let nothing come between themselves and their art, or how art is everything and should consume our every moment. I wonder at this notion. My days are occupied mostly by tending to my baby boy and little girl, marveling at their brightness, their brilliant energy. How can my work compete with them? What kind of artist am I that I prefer the whims of a child to more serious work? Its ironic, once I had so much time to make whatever I wished, yet I was empty of anything worth making art about, now, I'm bursting and have no time. Actually, I do have time, I just choose to spend it as Azalea's personal toy factory. Ah well, I keep a sketchbook to catch all my good ideas and there is that magical, quiet time when the house is silent and everyone is asleep. Then I get to work.
you asked this question:
"what kind of artist am I that I prefer the whims of a child to more serious work?" and i answer you with this:
you are an artist mother. no, let me rephrase that in a better way:
you are a mother who is also an artist. motherhood should always come first. the moments are fleeting with little ones - savor each and every minute that you can spend exploring life with those beautiful two babies. the art can wait - the work-related art can, anyway. you'll wake up one day and realize that your children are no longer children; believe me when i say it happens all too fast, in the blink of an eye.
My mother always says her children are her masterpiece creations. Be a mama while you can! I don't have much time for writing since Henry was born, but I know that all too soon he'll be a big boy and off doing his own thing. And I'll be left weeping with my laptop, and write tragic stuff about how I miss my baby. The things you're doing for Azalea IS art, and you're nurturing her creativity. I guarantee she'll look back one day and remember how her mama used to make mini cakes for her.
Those two kiddos are blessed to have a mother like you and you are blessed to have them. Enjoy the time that you get to spend together, while you have it. You'll have a lifetime to make art.
Those two kiddos are blessed to have a mother like you and you are blessed to have them. Enjoy the time that you get to spend together, while you have it. You'll have a lifetime to make art.
Spend every minute with them. They're gone all too fast. You'll have a lifetime after the short time you'll have them small. I loved mine almost to death, spent every minute I could with them. Involved myself in every aspect of their lives, and have never regretted a moment of it. One is 35 and one is 42, and the time invested has made a difference.
It's funny that you should write that, because every time I look at your blog I am astounded! by how much you create with two little kids. Mine are 8 and 10 and I am no where NEAR as productive as you. Plus, your kids will never forget the time you spent making things for them and with them! Those are adorable desserts, I love anything miniature!
You are so blessed with such a beautiful family. And they are truly blessed to have you,too!Continue doing what you are doing-and write your own thoughtful artist statement from your own perspective. It is the most important perspective for you.
I love being a mom and I enjoy spending every moment with them. Its my early training that keeps creeping up and tugging, wanting all the attention.
So funny, I often think about the past when I had an endless amount of time to create. I know that now that I am a mom; life will never be the same. It is also funny to find that even though I long for the days of endless hours of creating, I, like you, choose my son. It was so good to see I am not the only one.
Ohhh I miss when my children were wee! Drink them up but you are and thats what you need to do. You will work when you must! Thats so sweet Azalea has her Mother making all of her whims and all of the one of a kind treasures..ox
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