A few of the new pieces that we debuted at the Bead and Button Show. The little pebble is part of a series of tiny pendants (about 3/4" high), this one has 'family' carved on the back. The link has a different design on the back, and the cap was the big hit, since it fit our hollow beads perfectly. The little dragon is a retooled version of an earlier piece Greg made, and I love how cute it looks with the added wings.

The first place I go to when I step through the door, is Anne Choi's booth. I'm always curious what will be new and I can't wait to be blown away. The ouroboros mandrake bead says 'forgetting me, remember me' and the other side says '(when time from time shall set us free)'. The beautiful skull says 'until death it is all life'. The little eggplant says 'for luck' and I think it will be the last piece to add to my necklace of Anne Choi lucky pieces.

My other favorite stop is Gary Wilson. His large booth space is an easy place to get lost in, with all the lovely stones carved and drilled, some rare, some common. The strange pendant on the left is turtle back chalecedony, beneath that is a piece of smokey quartz with sparkly grossular garnets growing on it. The top ammonite is opalized, while the bottom two are pyritized and metallic (they are about 1/2" across).

These unusual lampwork beads are made by the talented Joanne Zekowski, out of Monticello, GA. I've known her for a long time (ever since we did a show in a horse barn without ac.....) and her work continues to amaze me. Its just so different! I picked up these rondelles imaging them with turquoise or large links of chain.

I meant to have this molded and finished so I could give some to my doll friends, but it didn't make it. Anyway, it works great for such a small comb (its about 1 1/2" tall). I think I might make a few into pendants by shaping the prongs into a couple of bails in wax. I thought it would
look delicate and beachy on a bit of chain.

Azalea wasn't afraid of posing along the waterfront, showing off her rainbow playsilk and magenta tutu skirt.

She and Andrew are so photogenic! Don't they look great in that low, half light? This is my favorite time of day, when its neither dark or light, but in between, gloaming....I believe is the word.
I am so happy to be home! I realize I spend most of my time home, but it feels particularly good after the work is done, the schedule open once more and the possibility of new projects is real. I think with most artists there are plans for today, but many are reserved for times when there is more time, more money or more training. So, I am at the delicious moments when there are no pressing concerns and I can persue whatever I wish. How often does this occur? Not often. So its with smiling abandon that I consider my options and retreat to my studio.
I love the picture of Andrew and Azalea. Very cute!
Gary Wilson is my favorite. He's also the reason I blow through my budget right away at Beadfest. I think my wallet still has a giant hole in it from last year...
After the big meal we had at the Rock Bottom, I should have sucked in for the picture. Ha ha ha!
It was good seeing you all and spending time together. I think this is a wonderful time to seize that smiling abandon and create. The sky is the limit!
Such wonerous things you create. Gregs dragon is superb!! Such a lovrly pic of Azalea and Andrew!!
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