Hello! Here's a sneak peek at my advance copy of Enchanted Adornments! It's taken me about a week to fully absorb the concept that this is my book and its going out into the world in about a month. I suppose its strange since I worked on it for so long and it seems so personal, with my name on the cover and picture in the back. Generally, the idea of creating work to be sent out into the world is exciting for me, but its always under the comforting and somewhat anonymous name Green Girl Studios, which could be Greg, me or Andrew. I always feel a touch silly when I'm in the spotlight, I prefer the quiet of the background. Anyway, here are my thoughts on this project.
The new cover is great, its simple with colors I love and my favorite pieces beautifully photographed. Its also a nice matte finish, with front and back flaps that give it a nice sturdy feel.

Here's one of the technique pages, organized neatly and not visually crowded or with photos that are too small to see what's going on in them. I was very adamant about the photography being useful, I hate when project photos are tiny or have that annoying fade out so you can't see how something is put together. This book is loaded with close-ups for optimal scrutiny (gulp). The techniques chapter is also sizeable, almost fifty pages worth of info on polymer, pmc, resin and other materials.

The fun part: projects! I designed twenty projects utilizing the techniques covered in the first section. These chapters combine an ongoing story to illustrate how inspiration can come from anywhere and its transformation into art. Illustrating the journal pages was the most fun part for me, or maybe it was coming up with the stories....

This is one of my favorite pieces, although it was a tough one to get right! Its toward the back, since the projects get progressively more difficult. I also loved painting the magpie!

This piece is the crown jewel of the collection! It took me ages and loads of pmc to get this to look exactly the way I wanted it too. Sometimes, being particular can be a nuisance, especially since I like to make detailed renderings before I even open the clay. This is not to say that I'm against spontaneous work or that I'm not capable of experimentation....I just like to think it out in my sketchbook for awhile, before I commit to anything. This piece proves that what works on paper doesn't always work in three dimensions, a good reminder to me to just jump in and do! I learned a lot about myself as an artist, writer and collaborator while working on this book. It was definitely a team effort and sometimes frustrating, but I think the outcome surpasses all my expectations. I have to say, I'm pleased as pie with this book! Which is saying a lot, coming from my biggest critic (me - not my mom). Anyway, I showed the book to my friends and was happy with the positive feedback, especially delighted to hear they thought it was a good deal for the money ( a very high compliment to me). Now all I have to worry about is promoting it! I will probably be in labor when it hits the shelves Nov.1! Hopefully earlier, I am getting huge!
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read it.
Oh your book is gorgeous and it has a naturalist's field guide look with the extra bonus of beautiful jewelry. I can't wait to open my very own copy and be swept away into your special world!
hello.....how exciting for you. i can't wait to get my copy, it looks beautiful!
I'm so excited to see it, Cynthia! I am at that point in mine where I want to burn it all down, remember that part? I look forward to holding the finished work in my hand, like you are.
It's inspiring to see the shots of it, looking so lovely.
Cynthia- it has been my pleasure, really! I am a huge supporter of your work and the collaborative work of Green Girl Studios! If there is anything else I can do to help aid in th promotion for the book, just holler. I'm in!
congratulations, cynthia! i can blog about the release of the book, for sure... anything else i would be happy to help... surely this already seems like a 'must have' for those desiring to push forward into mixed media work... i have been doing that myself, trying to find interesting books to learn techniques i am unfamiliar with... but i am really excited about yours... having 'met' you through your blog, you are nothing short of inspiring... even in your daily creativity you demonstrate such talent... and, really, think about it - not only did you come up with and create your projects, you illustrated and did all of that other work! you are having 2 babies with similar birthdays! very, very much looking forward to getting my hands on this... thank YOU for taking on this behemoth of a project - many will be grateful you did...
Congrats Cynthia. That's looking great.
Congratulations! The book looks great! I am so proud of you! I remember all the late nights and the pots of coffee and tea. You've really outdone yourself! (So has the Interweave team for doing their part.) The book is such a big project. I am happy that I was a part of it in my own small way and that I could help where I could. It is rewarding beyond belief.
All of your hard work has paid off and now you're holding the finished product, a testament to your vision. You really were a fighter to get the things that you wanted and I know that it'll be a success! The book is simply magical and is laden with a thousand layers of meaning.
Perhaps after Baby 2, you'll consider Book 2? No pressure, but after holding the book, like holding an infant, you've seen just how awesome it is. Will there be more travels and journeys for the artist and Tom?
This looks incredible! Congratulations. I can't wait to get a copy!
How wonderful to have accomplished this project! It looks like not only a useful book, but beautiful eye candy as well. This will be on my Christmas List for sure!
Congratulations on this great accomplishment!
Congratulations! It's such a surreal feeling, isn't it? (I got the advance of my book several weeks ago.) Even weirder is when you see it actually on the bookstore shelves. Really looking forward to checking out your book.
Grats on the book: It looks great!
Hello little Lady! It is obviously a delightful peice of art this book youve written. Sooo impressed Cynthia! You have worked hard for years and deserve much glory now! xx
Thanks everyone! I'm soooo excited for it to be released! I really appreaciate all the support! You guys are the best!
I've just looked at the preview on Amazon.com. It looks like a terrific book, and I can't wait to order a copy.
Congratulation Cynthia! The Art Bead Scene has teamed up with Andrew next month to celebrate the release of your book.
I have an advanced copy and will say without a doubt it is the most inspiring jewelry book out there.
Oh my gosh! I've been kind of holding back on my excitement, but I just can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Your designs and illustrations are gorgeous and this book is going to be hard to stop looking at. Thanks for sneak peek...now back to forgetting for a month :)
The book's a stunner! You have so much to be proud of - it really is such an exceptional accomplishment. It's rare that I see a book that speaks to me on so many levels.
My first visit to your Blog was very enchanting. I enjoy your writing and would love a copy of your new book. After pouring countless hours of blood, sweat and tears into your new book, don't think for one minute it was ever in vain. There are those of us outside of cyberspace that still love a good book! Congrads on your accomplishment.
Wow, making babies AND a fantastic new book!!
You are a wonder!
BTW, can you tell your readers where to find the hollow glass beads that were used in Enchanted Adornments? We're anxiously awaiting?
Is there anywhere I might get a copy of an autographed copy of your book?
Thanks for the kind words!
I found my hollow glass beads from Shannon Hill Glass, but most good boro glass bead makers can make them.
Hi Jacquie,
I don't have copies available yet, but when I do, I'll post it on my blog, then just order from our site!
I want this book sooo bad!!
I have it in my wishlist at amazon.com.
I'll have to order it for my own special christmas gift!
Congrats on a GREAT 1st!!!!
Oh, I have it in my hot little hands and it is ever so much more than pictures could portray. You have every reason to be proud of this book. I'll be reviewing it soon because I think everyone should have it on their shelves. Congrats!
Cynthia, your book is amazing! I have been eagerly awaiting it for months, and now that I've got it, I can't wait to make the projects. I'd love to just work my way through the whole thing!
I've got a question for you, though, about where you got the great ivory texture tool featured on pages 30 and 39 (there's another cool one on page 34)? I would love to hunt down one of those. Thanks!
I LOVE this book! Wonderful resourse for inspiration and techniques!
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