Here's my girl, looking good in her new hoodie and stripey pants. She reminded me of a munchkin or a tiny elf from Bordertown.

Some of Azalea's friends working there way through a corn maze at the Stepp Orchard, their first field trip! Greg and I both chaperoned, along with nearly all the other kids parents (I guess no one else wanted to miss out either!).

After an exciting tractor pulled ride through thousands of trees and at least twenty varieies of apples, we stopped to pick my personal favorite, golden delicious.
Greg and Azalea pose for a shot at the Scarecrow Festival held at Lake Julian. The weather has been fantastic, mild and just cool enough to bust out our boots. Usually I prefer tall varieties with lots of ornamentation (buckles, fringe, buttons, laces...) but now that I'm swollen to bursting, Ugg boots are all I want to wear. Comfort is the main objective, no heels or structure to bind me! Too bad they aren't fancier, with beading or metallic leather. I'll have to doctor mine up a bit.
Its getting closer to both release dates (book and baby). The boy should be emerging at the end of the month and we are finally starting to get ready (I know, what a bunch of slackers!). We went to Babies R Us and picked up some blankets and some nursing gowns to pack for the hospital. I was a little disappointed with the selection of baby goods, probably because I've been surfing etsy and finding a ton of cute things. I will forever wonder why diaper bags look so dang ridiculous. You'd think some designer would jump at the obvious hole in the market, but I guess I'm looking in all the wrong places. Anyway, the search for baby and mama gear continues, somewhat slowly, I must admit. Azalea has been helping me design little toys and things, (I haven't gotten to the actual making yet) and I'm happy she's so nurturing and helpful. We spend alot of time together in the studio, drawing and making patterns and plans. I'm just too tired lately to get down to the fun part! Ok, that new show Eastwick is coming on and I can never resist programs concerning the supernatural!
awww -see? these are the perks of having your first baby in school - chaperoning field trips! and what better one than in autumn! she looks adorable, reminds me of my girl... glad you are looking forward to your release dates! have fun & rest when you can...
I love Azalea's new outfits! Looks like you guys had lots of fun at the apple orchard. Have a good time shopping for baby 2. See you soon!
and what, my dear, do you need, baby-wise? please let me know - xoxoxo
Cynthia do you have a particular theme or colour scheme in your nursery? What a beauty Azaela looks like in her clothes! Take good care now Im sure your pretty much ready for his arrival for the baby feeling uncomfortable...Bless you!
I'm having the same problem with diaper bags--I don't have one yet because all of them are horrible and tacky. If you run into any that don't suck, let me know so I can pick one up. My boy has about 6 days left to bake (according to his due date, anyway), so I need to get on the ball with that.
Mariedodd- yes that is a perk! I think she looks pretty cute! I can hardly wait for both the baby and the book!
Janet- I don't really have a color scheme...just natural things in earthy colors. Azalea is my little shooting star!
Eva- Ali Sly emailed me about a great source for diaper bags http://www.petuniapicklebottom.com/collections/index/bags/
I love the ones designed for men!
Nina- the baby wants pumpkin pie, pecan pie and possibly a onesie! ;)
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