Look what I found! This is a reverse carved Lucite bangle from
gpaulstudios I love it. I got my sis one as well. I love anything with sea life and this is so detailed. I have to say, shopping on Etsy is so easy and also addictive. That, and its good to support small businesses that hand craft their wares in the states, rather than mass produced poo from china. Not that I don't buy it, too, its just good to consume less. I read this article in Selvedge magazine about how our culture is so hooked on instant gratification and unwilling to save up for things (like beautiful art, or handmade pots, etc.) because its so easy to buy cheaply made things and have more. I think of how everything used to be handmade, how you had to make your own clothes and gifts and food....and I'm glad I don't have to, yet it is bewitching. I'm going to make an effort to support this movement toward simplification and see what happens.