We just came back from dinner with friends of Andrews, owners of the amazing restaurant Pangea. The food is great, the surroundings elegant and the company couldn't have been more entertaining. I highly suggest the flourless chocolate cake. We may go back tomorrow, although the schedule is pretty booked. We are going to get a nice strong dose of art at the Guggenheim(?) then the childrens museum, more culinary

I love the castle bead! Can't wait to see the finished result. Will you be at Bead & Button this year?
The castle bead is great! I have a clay sculpture of houses all piled next to each other on a small piece of a branch with a tiny staircase and little windows, etc. It was made in Cusco, Peru and I picked it up at a flea market when I was a teenager, I've never seen anything like it until now ;-).
I saw BeadStyle magazine at the bookstore today. Do you know that there is a spread on a new book called Junk to Jewelry that features GGS charms? You can see a photo of the necklace on the website on the page for the current issue.
Cynthia, I decided to put the photos of the sculpture on my blog...
you can see it here...http://alchemicaljourney.blogspot.com
Thanks for coming! You guys were such a pleasure to have. I had so much fun. You guys will have to come up again sometime and we'll do all the things that we didn't get to do this trip.
*SWOON* Love the castle bead. Want the castle bead. Love the castle bead. =)
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm glad you saw the similarities. I hope you'll make an announcement when the castle bead is up for sale. I want to buy one, and maybe more.
That is a BEAD???? Wow. I'd probably purchase one, too. Are you taking orders?? LOL.
Those castles are really fun.
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