October is one of my favorite months, second only to November, my birth month (and Thanksgiving!). The light seems cleaner, less heavy, allowing one to see far. We meandered through the Arboretum yesterday, admiring the fiery jewel weed and the pale lavender asters, looking for fairy dwellings. Azalea found several, one surrounded by a ring of scarlet-topped fly agaric. We heard the twitterings of winged creatures, but only spotted one lonely blue swallowtail that followed us along the path.

Azalea is always in charge of any maps or guides. She loved identifying the flowers and plants we found along the way. Later, we stopped to rest by the river and brought out our sketchbooks and drawing supplies to take advantage of the beautiful light. There is something magical about late afternoon walks.

Dress up is not uncommon at this house. Our box of costume pieces is rather large and it doesn't take much convincing for me to make yet another piece to add to the horde (what's that? you need a pair of wings? coming right up!)

Speaking of dress up, look at Max sporting this awesome fuzzy bug mask! He doesn't mind. My little Halloween baby is so good. I just picked up a really sweet costume for him, a fluffy puppy suit, with a cute little tail. I can't wait to dress him up! On another note, we're getting ready to celebrate the month of October, since its our 6th year wedding anniversary and Max's first birthday! We are trying to decide what special thing to do, so if you have any suggestions, leave me a comment. I'll draw some winners and send a prize! Mention it on your blog/facebook/etc. and double your chances!
Cute babies, Cynthia! I love October, too! My family loves going to a pumpkin patch to choose pumpkins and to buy fresh apple cider. It's always a special trip for us and a good photo op for family pictures. Your work is beautiful!
Hi Cynthia..lovely post! The World of Little a wonderous place to go lol...ox
make a little side trip over to Connemara, in Flat Rock - carl sandburg's home for many many years, wyere his wife raised nubian goats. there are still goats there, and they are fun to pet. the walk up to the house is beautiful, and the house itself seems magical in an austere way to me. they've left his writing room up under the rafters in the same messy dishevelment it was in when he was alive. i remember seeing his green visor that he wore while he wrote.
i cannot believe that max will already have his first birthday!!!
October is my favorite month. I love the Fall feeling in the air, the change in the weather, the days are getting shorter...and...it's my birthday month too! Why not celebrate with your own Oktoberfest? Some of the traditional foods are Sausages, grilled fish on a stick, pork knuckle, sauerkraut...well, maybe not those foods. You could improvise though and make it your own. Anyway, have fun whatever you do! Happy anniversary and birthday! I love Max' fuzzy mask.
Look to see if any of the local farms are having a harvest festival. Those tend to be great fun for the whole family. Also how about looking around for a fairy ball? I know that we are having one here in Tacoma
Sweet photos! We always had a large amount of dress-up clothes for the girls. Their friends loved it, and were sometimes inspired to put on a cute little show for us.
October is a great month for you! I don't know the area well enough, but I think it would be fun to find a farm that lets people spend a couple days there and learn what life on a farm is like. Then I'd take a trip to a pumpkin patch and load up on all kinds of pumpkins, gourds, corn and apple cider. Then I would arrange for someone to take the kids so you and Greg could have a day/evening to yourselves at a nice inn.
Ok, so strange, but we are celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary tomorrow… there is a Faerie garden event going on at our local small garden center, so we look forward to spending time there with out little ones, seeking out some faerie homes, stories, and music. We may also go to one of the local orchards to pick some apples on Sunday and make it a weekend of celebrating…
Our little Riley will be one in December - our almost Christmas, New Years, Blue moon baby (the 28th - right in the middle of it all…). And Chloe will be three in early December…
Whatever you do, I am sure you will all have a grand time! Love every moment…
I love October also - it is my birthday month. Your children are so beautiful and photogenic. I don't know your area but in the mountains I would think there would be some sort of fall festivals with pumpkins, apples, maybe games and corn mazes for the kids. Whatever you all do, have a wonderful celebration. Happy anniversary also.
Wow! Azalea looks amazing with purple hair!! And Max is such a delicious dumpling of a baby!
Nothing goes together like october and apples. Sweet apples you can eat and the ones that are too sour can be used for decoration. They are the essence of harvest festivals and markets too me. Those types of markets are really nice to attend in October.
When I was a kid (teen even) me and my sis liked to have picnics in the garden -- or the forest sometimes -- during autumn. Usually late autumn when it was chilly no other sane people had picnics. Warm blankets were a must, but it was real cozy, sitting under warm blankets with the cats and eating outdoors among the fallen autumn leaves. Didn't even matter if it was November and the air was filled with a almost-drizzle fog. It was cozy sitting there wrapped in warm blankets and perhaps with something equally warm to drink -- and of cause sharing blankets with warm cats. I guess the one thing that would make it even cozier would've been an open fire, but we were too young to be allowed to do that.
BTW, I like November too as I'm born in that grey and rainy month.
Hey Cynthia again..what lovely wimsey for Azalea all that you do! My suggestion for a creation? How about a connector pc that looks like wood or a vine that swirls or curves?! Thank you for the chance!
Your children are just adorable Cynthia!
We have a pumpkin carving with our good friends every year. It started before we have kids, now they are part of the fun.
We also love to do football games in October. Our Homecoming game for UW-Madison is October 9th. Go Bucky Badger!
I'd like to go see the fall colors change before they are all gone
And my 18th wedding anniversary is October 24th. I am sure there are no major plans, but I would love to have another fire pit in our backyard.
As for ideas.... I would love to see some leaves, like oak. And for some reason I am thinking about frogs and lily pads, lightning bugs and crickets.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Enjoy the day, and give those kids a big squeeze!
I second (third?) the apple orchard idea. Or even going for a drive and seeing the leaves begin to change, drinking "real" apple cider.
As to creations, may I say that I always love your mermaids and cats. Also, what about gargoyles *cute ones*, not ones with snot dripping out of their noses or anything. Oh! A cat gargoyle would be perfect. Or frogs. Or art nouveau-ish flowers are always nice. Bees, grasshoppers!
your kids are so sweet!! Wish you lots for fun for your celebrations...;-))
Since October is a magical and mysterious month, I can picture an enchanted feast of all your favorite fall foods in a richly decorated dining room full of autumn leaves, flowers, and glowing faery globes, all imparting an ethereal feeling.
You and your guests can dress up in faery regalia, and I can hear strains of Mendelssohn's A Midsummer Night's Dream floating throughout your home, but you can change the title to "MidOctober"!
Have a magical time with your lovely family, no matter how you celebrate!
October is my favorite month and also my birthday month! This year we are going to celebrate by going to see Legend of the Guardians followed by an afternoon at the pumpkin patch. Can't wait! Have fun with you celebrations, whatever you do. :)
Well I think Max in a bug mask would be a pretty cute charm. I also would like to see peacocks, swans,mermen,mushrooms,trolls and rabbits. swopemelmel@aol.com
I love october too! I vote a fall farmers market with those great fall veggies and apples
I love autumn and especially October. We live out in the country, so my favorite activity is to sit by a bonfire late in the evening, wrapped in a quilt with something warm to drink. So relaxing. For your spring line, I vote for anything related to the ocean or beach. luvaggiebaseball@lycos.com
October is my birthday month as well. My favorite October activity is a trip about an hour north, enjoying the changing colors, with my mom and my mother in law, to a town called Frankenmuth. We visit Bronners, the worlds largest Christmas store, and also Michigan's largest bead store, which is less than a mile down the road. It's a great GIRLS day out - and a great way to spend time with my mom before she snowbirds off to Florida for the winter.
Wonderful photos and updates on your work and family!
Ideas for new pieces...GRAPES! Grapevines, grape leaves, ravens eating grapes, foxes & grapes, grapes in greenman hair, GRAPES!
I tried to post a couple of different times, but they didn't seem to go through. Bad computer karma, I guess.
I wanted to suggest that you drive the Blue Ridge Parkway to enjoy the fall colors, but maybe all this rain has washed the fall leaves away.
I second the mushroom ideas, especially after Andrew's post about mushrooming.
Enjoy your anniversary!
come to atlanta..haha!!
I love just walking around asheville downtown and pack park, but im sure thats not as exciting for you guys. The grove park inn has an day pass for the spa that sounds wonderful. whatever you do, have a great day and great month. im a scorpio too! another month of celebrating:)
Fall is my favorite too- apples, pumpkins, squash and a whole different set of flowers here in Michigan. Of course, being a teacher, I love fall because it means a whole new group of kids to get to know too. Great photos!
you're kids are so cute in their costumes..
october is the best month..
I have been thinking of a celebration idea and I keep coming back to what I think of every time I see pictures of your family - magic, fairies, the beauty of nature in all things. I know it is a lot of work, but I would suggest a celebration with close friends and family. Host a potluck, have a scavenger hunt in the wooded area by your house with tiny treasures for people to find with a map. You could dress Azalea as a purple fairy (that is seriously her color) and Max as a little elf with pointy shoes to be the helpers heehee!! Throw blankets on the ground picnic style and have mulled wine, seasonal beers, hot chocolate and lots of cake:).
Whatever you do decide, I wish for it to be a wonderful, laughter filled time with your loved ones!
Lisa G.
I love October here in NY. I love the changing leaves and love to go for walks with my little girl (15 months) and pick up leaves, twigs and mushrooms. I love the clean, cool crisp air, can you tell I love fall?
As far as new things I think all my ideas have been stated leaves, frogs, shells, anything with bees, twigs, fish, rabbits. I love squirrels this time of year, so busy with their acorns and busy work.
Ah, acorns are another idea. I am sure whatever you come up with will be amazing!
Love the idea of a dress up trunk I can't wait till my DD is ready for that, so much fun!
ps: happy birthday Max and happy anniversary!!!
October is my favorite month, for me seems like it kicks fall off for me and oct 31st is one of my favorite holidays being a witch... great contest I love your stuff.... bythemoon@ymail.com
October is a great month! In my neck of the woods, October finally brings relief from the hot summer. Also, my babies (twins) were born on October 31st. They will be celebrating their 20th this year, so they probably wont appreciate me calling them my babies.
Happy birthday to Max and happy anniversary to you and Greg!
Happy anniversary! Ours is the 8th! Inner turmoil can bring me great ideas sometimes. Or a great headache. I had a dream when I was pregnant with my daughter, not knowing she was a she, that I had a little blue green mermaid growing in my belly and I could pull back my shirt and see her in the aquarium that was my belly all blue and glowing, smiling at me. When I saw your paintings, they reminded me of that dream....
I love sea mammals, seals, otters, whales, dolphins, maybe even a selkie!
What about the alternative to Urban Fearie Earrings on page 111 on Enchanted Adornments? I would love to see a pewter beads of the charm with a sweet bird on it.
You could create an enchanted garden in the yard with bird feeders, apples with peanut butter and birdseed, tiki lights and paper bag lanterns!
I hope I win!
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