Here's my girl posed in front of the freshly opened wings of the Milwaukee Museum of Art. She tried to be patient and look at all the portraits and furniture, but it was hard. She had to be bribed with a wind-up robot. I was glad that our friend
Anne Choi, who allowed us to accompany her, knew how to get that girl to see the work, not just glance.

I thought this was a nice, stormy looking picture.

Here's Azalea and Tara, camped out behind the curtain. Those girls were total naturals at the show, fearless and friendly. Can't you see them in ten years? They look so mature, it makes me feel sad.

Treasures from the show! Somehow,
Melissa J. Lee knew that I collected small things and brought the wonder-cabinetesque goods in the box. The small grey piece is a piece of fossilized dinosaur eggshell! The loose beads are mostly from
Bead Trust, a great place to find lots of unusual stones and cuts. I particularly love the rough hewn crystal eggs. The dark blue grey chunks are sapphire crystals from Kia, another source for the hard to find.

High graded tourmalines (which means the less pretty colors are picked out, leaving only the brightest beads, the pic doesn't do them justice). The tourmalines are also from
Bead Trust. The beads in the middle are garnet crystals, uncut, from
Kia. I can't recall where the rest came from.
Andrew would know. They have such a magical quality, I can't wait to design with my new sparklies!

I just love opalized fossils, especially amonites! The big whopper has loads of flash, I can't stop staring at it. These beauties are drilled and carved by Gary Wilson. I'll probably set the cabachon in bezel wire, or place it in a book cover,
Daniel Essig style.
So, we just got home last night, around one in the morning. I've spent the day lounging around, thinking about the show and all the fun we had.
Andrew is so good at documenting things - I'm less swift at pulling out the camera. We were swamped pretty much the whole time, with no time to make anything during the show. Usually, it'll slow down and then we sit and string while chatting with a customer, not this time! We were happy and very tired. Our shopping was very efficient, only hitting our favorites and scanning the rest for the unusual.
I didn't go out as much this time, as I was knock down tired at the end of the day. I heard lots of amusing comments about my tummy looking big so soon. Folks would be like "so you'll be giving birth really soon, right?' or 'Oh my gosh! Are you having twins?'. I'll have to ask my midwife if I'm gaining too fast or what. Tomorrow we have our ultrasound appointment to find out what kind of baby I'm carrying! My family thinks it's a girl, Greg's is sure its a boy! Who is right? All I know is that I'm getting kicked a lot by a little 18 week nugget. It will be nice to know, so we can eliminate half the names we've thrown around. I'm pretty excited, I hope I can sleep! I'll post about the results as soon as I get the word! Hopefully, the little nugget is facing the right way so we'll be able to see.
It was wonderful meeting you and Greg in person finally (and seeing Andrew again, of course)! I hope your ultrasound goes well, tomorrow. I remember when I was pregnant, the technician was peculiarly insistent that she give us a clear shot of what she called the SO's "boy bits" (what the SO currently refers to as his "peanuts" - sorry, don't mean to offend anyone here), so we have this nice clear ultrasound of them - I like to think of it as the first of several "blackmail" photos for when the SO turns into a recalcitrant teenager.
hello sweet friend - glad to hear that you are back in north carolina safe and sound. keep me posted on the sex of your little one and the name you choose...i remember us talking about this over a wonderful feast a couple of months ago.
my buddy aspen passed away back on the 11th of may, the day after robin graduated from college. he was at the vet's, staying through the weekend, and simply went away. i've been so sad - so very sad. but i'm getting another springer spaniel puppy on my way back through georgia from alabama when i head home around the 19th - right now i'm the countryside of wisconsin, teaching two weekend workshops....love to andrew.....xxxxx
Hey Melissa!
It was great to meet you, too! I really love the goodies you brought! They are already being tucked into my collection boxes.
Azalea has the same sweet profile as the her ultrasound pic. We're dying to find out!
Hi Nina!
I really liked your travel pics of california! It made me slightly nostalgic. slightly. I heard about Aspen, I was sad for you. Andrew and I have been wondering how to best cheer you. I suggested he finish sanding that root baby or I could make you those arched bezels I've been promising. I guess it'll be a surprise.
Those fossils are amazing and what fun the kids got to see the museum and an amazing piece of architecture. Can't wait to get a peek of the new little spirit!
Hey Beth!
Yes, the fossils are amazing! I have a pretty good collection of them! Its hard to use them, I just want to open the box and gaze at them. We are very excited to see the little one!
So many treasures...things to covet! lol
I'm having a lot of fun making stuff with my new teasures! I'll post pics when I'm done, but I have to warn you, I'm slow!
simply adorable
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