Hi! Look how sweet these flower girls are! We just returned from Fayetteville, WV after enjoying a beautiful wedding. My girl had the best time wearing her dress and crown and playing with her new friends. The crowns came out nicely- I was going to buy them and realized I could make them myself, using better materials and cheaper. I used vintage glass pearls, swarovski crystals,wire, silk flowers and loads of floral tape. Everyone was pleased.
We were happy to get out of the house and take a road trip to enjoy the last days of summer. I found the drive up really beautiful and slightly scary in some places, especially where it seemed super high up with only a little railing between us and a sharp drop. Luckily I was jacked up on lots of Red Bull, so my eyes barely blinked. I rode up with some friends and the drive seemed short, what with all our stories and jokes!

We had a great time, but I wished Greg could have been there with us. He has been in California the last few days doing the glass convention in Oakland and will be staying until next for the show in Pasadena. He is staying with our friends from
Bead Trust so it will be fun for him. Me and Azalea have been occupying ourselves by walking Kitsune down the street to pester our neighbors who have a really sweet treehouse (I want one) and a trampoline. I haven't done anything on my things-to-do list except vacuum and that list is mighty long. Its also probably unrealistic, with things like: landscape the yard, carve a new bead everyday, re-design the porch to include a japanese soaking tub and teach Kitsune to balance 200 dog biscuits on her nose like those pooches on you tube. Well, better get to it.