I've traveled about 3500 miles this week. Needless to say, I am worn out and headachey. I drove to Florida expecting to stay the weekend, but discovered there would be no one to tend my animal family (2 enormous cats, 2 lovebirds and 1 powder blue parrotlet) apparently our sitter had to go out of town as well . So, the next day it was back into the car another 10 hours. I was particularly irritated at packing all sorts of fun activities only to unpack and unload it the next day. Oh well. The whole crew will venture down to sunny florida next weekend for the Ft. Lauderdale and Pompano shows so we will have a good time then. I look forward to going back, its the only time I get to visit my good friend Claudine (see her work at http://www.collageartist.com/ ). We've known each other since we were about 15, giggling so much our teacher Ms. Bassett would have to make us sit at opposite sides of the room to stop our merry making. That seems like ages ago. Every time we visit I wish I lived closer than 10 hours. It is then when Florida seems like a good idea. I think St. Pete beach would be a fine place to live (if I could afford it!) and I wouldn't miss the mountains if I had the ocean. I am rootless, I could be anywhere. I have this fantasy about having a huge chunk of land to build a big house and a fully equiped studio, large enough to accomodate all my closest buddies. Which is a lot of people. Maybe an island in the carribean? Sounds good. I would like nothing more than be surrounded by my family and friends and make art all day long. Actually, I have that now, except I'm missing a few key people and the house on the beach. All in good time! So its been lazy around here, Greg, Bob and Steve left for Cincinatti yesterday and its just the girls home, relaxing and enjoying the weather. Azalea spent half the day watering the tomato plants on the back porch, its like her tree house. We set up all manner of feeders for the birds and we have fun watching the variety that visit us. We are hoping to attract the elusive Indigo Bunting and Ruby throated Hummingbirds. Well, its time to get the clay out and start sculpting!
I miss that Baby so much!
I am thinking about going down to Florida to see mom and dad. I haven't been to Florida for a while. I just have to settle a bunch of things here in New York before I can go down. It has been such a long time.
The whole house is like a tree house! Especially before all the trees were cut back. I used to sit out on the porch and absorb all the green.
I think that we're wired for the need to go to the ocean. I think it comes from mom.
You've got me thinking about these things, now.. I love the idea of the big property with the studio and having friends and family all around...I also love the idea of traveling all across the country in a camper. Couldn't stand to be far away from the ocean...or the mountains...Florida was so flat when i was there a long time ago, but I also want to go and visit my cousins in Pompano Beach (I wish it was a 10 hour drive!).
I'd also love a quiet cabin in the mountains or on the beach to be all by myself...though not for too long ;-)
Andrew, my mom hated (and still hates) the sun and the sand!, though my dad was/is a nature boy, but I think being at the ocean does something for the soul...
Cynthia, I'm sure you'll have all of it some day!
I spotted what I think (what else could it have been???) was an indigo bunting at my feeder furthest from the house, in late April or early May. It's the only bird in the book that matched what was out there. He came back one other time and then we haven't seen him since.
Tell Claudine hi!
Thanks Cindy!
Those Indigo birds are hard to spot! I was laying in the hammock today and noticed a Scarlet Tanager right above my head! Birds make me happy. I will tell Claudine.
hey sweetie! hope to get to see you when you are down next time!!
WOW--YOU LEFT ME A COMMENT! I didn't think you knew I existed.
I will email you--just like reguar customers. you are so sweet to come to my blog. I feel like a movie star visited.
Hi Cynthia Janet here from TX Ive bought some of your pendants like the merboy and he is heavy. What would you reccomend him on I guess wire. And you spoke of rattail in the gallery and corded silk where can I get these items? I louve your pendants and gonna have to buy sommemore. I went to parsons School of Design in NYC and the New School...that was awesome.
Jan x
Janet, did you know that Green Girl Studios carries a full line of silk chord? All of it is 100% silk and is hand-dyed by our German friends in the Northwest.
And about the weight of pendants... think about balance and in this case, counter-balance. Imagine if you will, that your necklace is a boat. If you put too much stuff in the front, of course it'll dip down. So try balancing out the piece with something of equal weight in the back. Perhaps a nice silver clasp, like the large sunflower clasp?
I don't know... those are just my two cents. Cynthia might have some other ideas.
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