Hello there. I'm in Florida, at a Barnes and Noble in Ft. Lauderdale relaxing after working the Bead Mercantile Show. We will be there tomorrow too, if you're in the area and want to stop by and say hello. Here is pic of Greg, before the show started, looking friendly and helpful. I felt tired and slap-happy most of the day and hid under the table organizing beads when it got slow. Its a nice show, held at the pretty Sheraton hotel. Lots of nice bead folks from all over are there with their goods (NaBoRow, with loads of hill tribe silver and Shanon Hill, with his beautiful handmade glass-to name my favs). I'm looking forward to getting back to our beachfront hotel and walking along the water. I'm glad we managed to find a good hotel so close to the water, its nice to sit and listen to waves after a long day. Well, its time to go, have a good night.
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