1. Deer Girl Bezel 2. Kevin O'Grady bracelet and mood beads 3. Anne Choi beads
Hello! We arrived in Asheville around 4 am, exhausted and happy to be home. The days were long but very busy, which we were thankful for. Having two booth spaces was scary at first, did we need it, would we have enough stuff and would it make a difference...we used every inch and it was totally worth staying up two days straight to paint a ginormous sign to fit behind us. I didn't get a shot of the booths (bummer) or many at the show (way too busy :) ) but I have pics of some of the loot. My brother Andrew has pics on his blog of the festivities http://www.andrew-thornton.blogspot.com/ . Now that its over it feels strange, we spent so much time in preparation and in a blink, its yesterdays news. Big shows are so much fun, so intense - up early, on all day, then seeing as many friends as possible afterwards at parties and restaurants, then to bed really late...then repeat. Our crew did amazing, Bob sold out of nearly everything, my fairies were gone within hours of opening and Gregs jointed fairy doll was met with amazement and delight. Andrew was followed around like a rockstar (he has that magnetism) and really made the show run smooth. So, now what...a collaboration between Anne Choi and myself (so flippin' happy about this! Like winning tickets to the international chocolate festival!) she liked my collaboration with Lisa Blackwell of http://www.zoaart.com/ (the silver bezel with a deer girl encased in resin) and suggested she make deep, open backed bezels, carved around the sides for me to do miniature sculpture in. Im dreaming of all the stories we could tell! Well, its time to rest, I have a long journey to florida to see my baby girl!
I was at your booth Thursday night and I would say the customers took up every inch of extra space, too! :) I LOVE Anne Choi's work, too; looking forward to see the outcome of your collaboration!
I love all of them!
Your work is wonderfull!
Kisses from Portugal
That bezel is fantastic! A collaboration with Anne Choi would be so incredible! What a great idea! Too bad about not having a photo of the booth...I'm sure it looked great.
Love the things pictured in this post. Can't wait to see more.
I think Katie Wall has a picture. Also, one of the photographers from Bead & Button snapped a couple shots of it. I'm surprised that I didn't take a picture with my trigger-happiness with the camera.
I had such a good time and I'm really glad that I could be apart of it again this year! It was such an awesome experience.
Hug and kiss that baby for me!
I've absolutely fallen in love with that deer girl bezel!!!
Let me know where I can find one to buy.....very neat!!!
Love you guys...kiss azalea for me.
Cynthia, it was great to see you at the show and add to my growing hoard of Green Girl Treasures! I am looking forward to using them in new designs!
Oh, and I am nominating you for a Thinking Blogger Award. http://earthenwood-beads.blogspot.com/2007/06/thinking-blogger-award.html
Love, love, love the Deer Girl! Glad the show went well...one of these days I'll make it to one. Get some rest and have fun in FL.
I have been a huge fan of your work and Anne Choi's for years. What a terrific idea for a collaboration!
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