Hi there! We are still in Florida, at my folks house in Orlando, while we relax between shows. This saturday and sunday we will be set up at The Bead Mercantile show at the Maitland civic center. So we are hanging out, running around town and generally enjoying a break from our usual hectic schedule. Its nice. After the Ft. Lauderdale show, we took it slow and got some dinner at this local seafood place called Flanigans (note my surprise at the enormity of their nachos - easily 5 lbs., frightening actually) and drove back to Orlando, listening to Neil Gaimans new book of short stories that he reads on audio discs called Fragile Things. They were intriguing, disturbing and all around delightful. Thank goodness he writes! I always feel a sense of wonder after reading his work, I love it. So yesterday was spent getting thai food and remarking how different everything looked since I lived there. I kept getting lost and finding new malls and buildings where orange groves used to be. Surreal and sad. We drove past the house I grew up in and it looked haunted and strange - sort of the way it looked before my family moved in and fixed it up. I find that I feel like a teenager here, awkward and self concious, even though those days are more than 10 years past. Today I'm hoping to see the new Pirate movie and maybe work on a new painting. Till next time!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

1. Seal Puppet from EnviroDepot 2. Watercolor on paper
While I was procrastinating, I looked at Keri Smiths blog http://www.kerismith.com/ and read about guerilla art (art made in public places completely anonymous, with the intention of promoting ideas) this struck a chord. I remembered passing a building a day or two ago with a rabbit stenciled in black and white, near the ground, so it appeared to be sitting in the grass. It surprised me, I thought at first it was real. I remember feeling uplifted and found myself wondering who had taken the time and why. I began looking for more rabbits and found two more. How exciting! What did it mean? I didn't know but I liked it. This got me thinking of all sorts of things one could do, like posters of paintings or drawings posted all over with no name or any info, made simply for the fun of it and to get people wondering. Of course this would appeal to me, its another project NOT cleaning my studio. I wish that I would wake up tomorrow and discover that my dolls had taken the initiative and not only cleaned but organized. Good night.
Saturday, June 16, 2007

I've traveled about 3500 miles this week. Needless to say, I am worn out and headachey. I drove to Florida expecting to stay the weekend, but discovered there would be no one to tend my animal family (2 enormous cats, 2 lovebirds and 1 powder blue parrotlet) apparently our sitter had to go out of town as well . So, the next day it was back into the car another 10 hours. I was particularly irritated at packing all sorts of fun activities only to unpack and unload it the next day. Oh well. The whole crew will venture down to sunny florida next weekend for the Ft. Lauderdale and Pompano shows so we will have a good time then. I look forward to going back, its the only time I get to visit my good friend Claudine (see her work at http://www.collageartist.com/ ). We've known each other since we were about 15, giggling so much our teacher Ms. Bassett would have to make us sit at opposite sides of the room to stop our merry making. That seems like ages ago. Every time we visit I wish I lived closer than 10 hours. It is then when Florida seems like a good idea. I think St. Pete beach would be a fine place to live (if I could afford it!) and I wouldn't miss the mountains if I had the ocean. I am rootless, I could be anywhere. I have this fantasy about having a huge chunk of land to build a big house and a fully equiped studio, large enough to accomodate all my closest buddies. Which is a lot of people. Maybe an island in the carribean? Sounds good. I would like nothing more than be surrounded by my family and friends and make art all day long. Actually, I have that now, except I'm missing a few key people and the house on the beach. All in good time! So its been lazy around here, Greg, Bob and Steve left for Cincinatti yesterday and its just the girls home, relaxing and enjoying the weather. Azalea spent half the day watering the tomato plants on the back porch, its like her tree house. We set up all manner of feeders for the birds and we have fun watching the variety that visit us. We are hoping to attract the elusive Indigo Bunting and Ruby throated Hummingbirds. Well, its time to get the clay out and start sculpting!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Here and gone

1. Deer Girl Bezel 2. Kevin O'Grady bracelet and mood beads 3. Anne Choi beads
Hello! We arrived in Asheville around 4 am, exhausted and happy to be home. The days were long but very busy, which we were thankful for. Having two booth spaces was scary at first, did we need it, would we have enough stuff and would it make a difference...we used every inch and it was totally worth staying up two days straight to paint a ginormous sign to fit behind us. I didn't get a shot of the booths (bummer) or many at the show (way too busy :) ) but I have pics of some of the loot. My brother Andrew has pics on his blog of the festivities http://www.andrew-thornton.blogspot.com/ . Now that its over it feels strange, we spent so much time in preparation and in a blink, its yesterdays news. Big shows are so much fun, so intense - up early, on all day, then seeing as many friends as possible afterwards at parties and restaurants, then to bed really late...then repeat. Our crew did amazing, Bob sold out of nearly everything, my fairies were gone within hours of opening and Gregs jointed fairy doll was met with amazement and delight. Andrew was followed around like a rockstar (he has that magnetism) and really made the show run smooth. So, now what...a collaboration between Anne Choi and myself (so flippin' happy about this! Like winning tickets to the international chocolate festival!) she liked my collaboration with Lisa Blackwell of http://www.zoaart.com/ (the silver bezel with a deer girl encased in resin) and suggested she make deep, open backed bezels, carved around the sides for me to do miniature sculpture in. Im dreaming of all the stories we could tell! Well, its time to rest, I have a long journey to florida to see my baby girl!
Sunday, June 03, 2007

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