I drew three names: j.j. rohmaller, katarinasmama and cindy - send me your addresses and I will send you a prize! I really enjoyed all the input and will have more 'contests' . I am currently sketching pieces to be revealed at Bead & Button in Milwaukee. The whole process is so time consuming, but really fun seeing a sketch evolve into a permanent piece (hundreds, possibly) and find homes all over the world. Well, its time for tea and some sketching...
Oh, that tea set is lovely! It reminds me of the one that I bought after I had blood orange tea at the Mercer Kitchen for the first time. (Mine was black though.) It mysteriously disappeared when I lived in the doll factory.
Ten guesses as to what happened - or rather, who happened upon it. Still makes me a little mad when I think about that bum I used to live with!
You need a new one! I wonder if they make one in the shape of an owl? The warmer makes tea time a pleasure (no luke warm tea here).
Wow, it's my lucky day! Thanks for having such a fun & inspiring contest! I sent my snail mail address to your e-mail address on your web site, hope that's right! Thanks again!
I found a Japanese store that has a small little tea kettle. It's super cute. It's ceramic and there's a scene of like a water-mill or something, but what is the most CUTE is the fact that there's a little owl on the top. He goes in and out of his little house with the steam. I'll have to take pictures of it.
First...what a beautiful tea set!And then...YAY!...now I can't say I never win anything! I'll follow jj rohmaller's lead and send you my snail mail to the web site addy...thanks again for your awesome creations...such fun!
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