I love this picture of Azalea and Max! He has to copy everything big sister does. Its pretty cute. Good thing she's a really good example and is very loving to him.

This little boy sure knows how to get into things. Note the impish grin as he pauses before chasing Suni with a stick. Unfortunately, he still puts everything in his mouth and if its attached to something, he uses brute force to make it palateable. Sigh. We have to watch him like a hawk.

We went to the Greenville Zoo yesterday and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon strolling through the exhibits. We love zoos, its fun to sit and draw the animals, or if your like Azalea, pretending to be one. Yesterday, red pandas were the favorite creature, so Greg picked up a foam mask at the gift shop and she wore it for the rest of the afternoon. Max absolutely loves it when she pretends to be an animal! Its sweet to watch. I can hardly believe the summer is half over. I find myself longing to be outside, playing with the kids, hanging out with friends and enjoying our mild weather. It has been really difficult to get back into work mode. My things to do list keeps getting longer and longer. I haven't even really felt like making anything. This streak of slacking will end, I'll force myself to design, or carve or string up the awaiting projects and feel productive.
How sweet it must be to see him up and about - they will drive you crazy! So glad he is feeling better!
Don't beat yourself up too much for not being in the "art" creative mode. You will find that time again once this part of you has been nourished a bit more. Enjoy the time you've got to romp around with family… :)
Isn't it great to have two kids--when they get a bit older like this and can play together? I have the happiest memories of my oldest son giving my second oldest son "rides" all around the house in our laundry basket! It was so cute. I just love kids, totally. And especially yours!
jean xox
So happy little Max is doing wonderfully and that you are enjoying time together in the great outdoors. Don't worry about work, it will always be there...:)
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