Max has been ill since Tuesday, with what we thought was gastroenteritus or stomach flu. He had all the symptoms, vomitting, diarhea and listlessness. So, my sister and I took him to the doctor, expecting the medicines he gave us would work and Max would get better. Well, they didn't do much, so we took him to the e.r. and waited for the i.v. that would make all of his issues go away. He seemed better, alert and even eating a little. That evening he grew worse, so were back at the hospital. Since then it has been an exhausting battle to try and figure out why his symptoms weren't responding to the treatments. When his belly grew distended and he was in obvious pain, the doctors used x-rays, ultrasound and finally a ct scan to see what the problem was. It looked like he had swallowed a pearl from the scans, but it didn't explain the blockadge. They decided he needed to go into emergency surgery to find out what was wrong. A few hours later they informed us they found three holes in his intestines, with white blood cells attempting to repair the damage, forming the blockadges. They didn't find the pearl. He is slowly getting better,he isn't vomiting constantly (a really good thing) but his tummy is still really swollen and things aren't progressing as fast as everyone hoped, but we are optimistic.
I've heard throughout my life that there is nothing more agonizing and frightening than seeing your child in a hospital bed. I discovered just how true that statement was during this week, when I wouldv'e gladly given a limb, if it meant his healthy return. I've left his side only when I absolutely had to, needing to watch him closely for signs of improvement. I thought I'd known real fear, since I'd been through some scary events, but the fear I had for my boy was bone deep. We're not out of the woods yet, but I can tell you I've never looked so forward to going home in all my life.
oh my gosh Cynthia i'm in tears right now my heart and prayers go out to you and your family for a speedy recovery for sweet little Max i saw on Anderw's blog that Max was not well i had no idea it had gotten to this extent.Best wishes to all of you and a very speedy recovery for Max take care of your self my dear.
blog hugs from Canada xoxo Lana
I can completely empathize with you, Cynthia as I've been where you are. My first son had open heart surgery at 5 months of age in 2006.
My prayers to Max and you for strength and a blessed and speedy recovery.
I felt a chill as I read thru this post! I will keep him in my prayers Cynthia! The Bible says "Prayer moves the hand of God" and I firmly believe that. Bless you all! Many many huggs across the miles...ox
My heart goes out to you, Cynthia. I know how hard it is to have a child in the hospital for surgery. I hope he makes a full recovery quickly. He's lucky to have such a devoted mom.
Cynthia and Greg, I know what you are feeling. I've been at my daughter's side many times watching her suffer and would trade places in a heart beat for the pain to be mine instead of hers. I hope with all of my heart that Max will continue to heal and that you get solid answers as to the cause. Please take care, sending bright white light your way.
Oh my, what a precious sight, now that he is resting comfortably. I hope the doctors get a grip on this and he's back on his feet soon. There's so much world to explore.
Oh my gosh I cannot begin to imagine what you all have been going through. I am sending prayers for a speedy recover from NY.
Shannon C
Wow - I am so sorry for you! My step-grandson walked into an old fire pit and has been in the hospital for 3rd degree burns on his legs/feet. He is doing well, but it is so scary, little kids being in the hospital for serious illnesses, that as adults, might not be so bad. Brohdi is recovering very well now and I am praying that Max is too.
It's very scary when your little ones are sick or injured and there isn't much you can do to help. I have four children, all young adults now, but I still worry about them from time to time. My prayers are with you and your family. Peace be with you.
I am so sorry, heartfelt prayers for your sweet little boy. I hope that you all get home very soon.
((((hugs)))) to all of you. I can't imagine the fear... I hope he's all better soon.
Praying for his speedy recovery.
Sending love and prayers.
Cynthia & Greg, Our hearts go out to you and your little Max. There's nothing harder than having a sick child. We'll keep your family in our prayers and hope for a speedy recovery. Take care. Bruce & April
OMG! Here's to a speedy recovery for the little man. Lots of love and good thoughts for him.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Max recovers fully & leaves the hospital.
We are thinking good thoughts for a healthy Max.
I am so sorry to hear this! I cannot imagine how frightening it is/was to be going through this. I will send up some good thoughts for his recovery and I hope you get to go home soon.
I have loved your stories of life with your kids, thank you for sharing this trial too. Good healing thought s and prayers going your way, for Max and your family.
I'm praying for a swift recovery fox Max. Take care.
Cynthia and Greg,
I am so sorry to hear about Max. I know Greg was so upset at the show, and trying so hard not to let it show. No family should have to experience seeing their child so sick, it's just a terrible thing. I'm glad to know Max is doing better and I hope he heals quickly and that you guys can get some rest and that life returns to normal for ou very soon.
Healing thoughts and prayers for Max and all of you, Cynthia.
Sending good healing thoughts and prayers your way for Max's quick recovery. Max is very blessed to have you as his Mom!
Oh my goodness. Lots of healing white light and prayers coming his way (and yours).
Heal fast, little Max!
poor max...how scary. i can not even imagine...i will be thinking about you guys during this hard time...stay positive
You're all in my thoughts Cynthia, sending you positive and healthy vibes from across the seas. x
Praying that by now Max, Mom, Dad, and adorable sister are all healing from this. You are oh so right - absolutely nothing prepares you for the first awful illness of your child. Sending good thoughts to you all.
There is nothing scarier prayers to you and your family . I hope he heals quickley - along with your heart XOXO
I am so sorry - I know there is nothing worse for a parent than their child - especially a really young one-is sick. My prayers and healing thoughts are with him and with you.
I hope your son recovers quickly. I am so sorry you are all going through this and I pray for a speedy recovery for all of you!
I fell in love with Green Girl Studios years ago and have been watching the art from afar, always impressed and inspired by what I see. There's no possible words I can offer to you...I am keeping Max in my thoughts and my heart.
Poor little peanut. He is lucky to have such a loving family to take good care of him. Glad that he made it home safe and sound.
Dear Max, get well soon little guy!
We are all sending you healing thoughts for a speedy recovery!
Oh my dear. This is so frightening. Max, you and your entire family are in my prayers.
I am saying a prayer for you and your family. I'm so sorry you had this happen.
Oh how frightening for all of you. I'm sending you white healing light and prayers for quick recovery. We'll all be supporting you in spirit.
Dear Cynthia--we have not had an easy time here, so I didn't get a chance to read this until now. I am so glad he is recovering. He is everyone's special, darling little boy. I love your kids as much as I love your own. Sending white light and comfoting hugs your way.
xox jean
Dear Cynthia: I just now read this and I love this little guy so much--as much as Azalea, and even my own sweet kids. I understand how you feel. I had to fight a two year fight for one of my kid's health when he was a baby concerning a rare congenital disorder called Hirshsprung's disease--it was a gastroenteritis related thing too. I will never forget it. I wish I could have known earlier and sent
billows and billows of love to you.
And your whole dear family.
xoxox hugs,
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