We've spent the last few days in Florida, slowly unwinding after all the recent difficulties. The slow pace, surrounded by family and familiar sights is a comforting thing. Max is back to his old self, healthy appetite and
rambunctious spirit included! In the picture above, he's playing near a
tide pool, with his big sister Azalea and the rest of the gang in the background, swimming.

I thought this particular shot captured how peaceful and magical our little spot is. I've relished watching Max recover from such a scary state, everyday gaining strength. When we first left the hospital, he couldn't walk, or even hold his head up. The physical therapist warned us it could be a month or more before he would be back to his old self. We are happy, no thrilled to say our little boy is back to normal!

We will spend a couple more days in Florida, relaxing and feeling
truly grateful that our little family is happy and healthy. It boggles my mind how quickly everything progressed, from thinking he had stomach flu, to realizing he had perforations in his intestines from swallowing a set of 'mighty strong' magnets (not a pearl after all!). Those tiny things nearly killed him (so of course we threw out every last one of them). Things will shift back into place, our routines and rhythms will continue and I will look on my boy with gratitude and happiness.
I too am over~Joyed for you and I thank the Lord that all things are well now! He is such a beautiful child. It looks so tranquil and the ebbing of the tide brings peaceful soul satisfying moments I know. Many hugs across the miles to you and your little family Cynthia ox
Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
So glad that he's doing better! How scary that must have all been. I'm really happy that he's on the road to recovery and that you guys got to go to the beach. Seems like only yesterday that we were running around in the sand and the surf.
What great news! So happy to see him recover so well. Take care and many blessings to your family.
Great News!!! Glad he is doing better!!!!!!
Wonderful! Releasing a long held breath ..... safe travels my friend. Love and hugs for everyone - kvk
p.s. rocks in FL? didn't know there were any rocks in FL. Enjoy the salt water!
Beautiful pictures! So glad Max is doing well!
such a relief Max is recovering so beautifully..what a terribly scary ordeal for your family..
So glad to hear that Max is doing well!
Wonderful news! I am so glad that Max is on the mend along with the the healing of the family. A vacation well deserved. It only takes a moment for everything in your life to change. I am so glad for
the happy ending. Cherish everyday.
I've been watching every day for this news. Give your little Max a hug for all of us.
May it all fade to a distant pain free memory. May you enjoy his youthful health and "independence" this weekend!
I am so happy to see your post-I would check everyday to see if there was any news about your little boy. I'm crying. I don't even know you, just through your blog, for many years now and I'm so relieved for you all. You have such beautiful children. Continue to enjoy your trip !
So glad to hear this! I was worried when I didn't see a follow-up. Those magnets are scary, and I[m glad it all turned out OK. Best wishes for continues healing and a peaceful vacation.
I am so glad to hear everyone's mending and getting strong, especially baby Max. Why couldn't he have just put a pea up his nose?
Every time I think of Max now - I say a little thank you prayer and breathe a sigh of relief. So delighted to see pictures of him at the beach and getting back to "normal". Looking past scary times like these - these little ones grow up way too fast… Enjoy every moment!
Thank goodness! So happy little Max is well again and your family life is getting back to normal.
Oh Thank goodness! I cannot even imagine the ringer you have all been thru! Thank goodness little ones are so resilent!So glad you got to enjoy some quite time together!
So happy and releaved that Max is mended.
Well I meant "relieved."
Thank goodness -- prayers answered! I am so glad he's recovered and your lives are normal again. Max, eat cookies, not magnets! ;)
Magnets?! Oh my.
There was just a news story on TV the other day warning parents about keeping those little round cell like batteries away from children. They can damage a child's system within a half hour of being ingested, and can burn their esophagus if caught in the throat. Not to scare you, but you never know what kids will try to 'eat'.
So glad he's getting back to normal.
Great News! We're so glad to hear that Max is back to normal. Thank God for prayers answered.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and good wishes for our family and especially Max! It means so much to us.
I'm so glad to hear Max is doing so well and recovering so quickly. Enjoy your vacation, you all deserve it.
Hi Cynthia, i've been away from blogging for several days, and one of the first things i checked was your blog to see if i missed a post about Little Max, i am over the moon right now, so happy to see him well, i am happy for you to be surrounded with such a beautiful family to hold each other up in times like these,
take care & enjoy your evening ttfn Lana :)
I am glad he is happy and healthy again. A vacation was JUST what y'all needed. June was a rough month--surely July will be wonderful!
Just a beautiful sight to see. This is what life is about: love.
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