Look at this cute tiny monchichi doll! We picked it up somewhere in Williamsburg, an area of Brooklyn. I loved these dolls as a kid and was unsurprised that my girl found them irresistable as well. I forgot my camera card, so I couldn't take pics of our trip, but since I'm never without my sketchbook or index cards we drew. Azalea is into drawing herself as an owl and labeling each card with her name.

One of the things I longed to do while in the city was go to a perfumerie called I Hate Perfume. Apparently, the proprietor really dislikes commercial scents and wishes to replace those fragrances with his own unique smells. I picked out Sticky Toffee Pudding, which smells like creme brulee, very creamy and sweet. I love any fragrance reminicent of vanilla beans or cream. The tiny credit card size compact is from Sephora, a steal for 15 bucks with colors that are flattering. Its my favorite combo of small, clever design and useful. I'm imagining a watercolor set with little drawers of gouche or sparkly pigments.
On the way home from NY, we stopped at the Roadside of America miniature villiage in PA. The sign says 'see more than you expect!' and I was all skeptical and ready to disagree, but was pleasantly surprised by the huge room filled with amazing miniatures. Azalea loved operating the various trains, trolleys and little animals by pushing buttons around the display. It was well worth the stop, just to see all the little buildings lit up, with tiny scenes inside, surrounded by lovely gardens.

Since we've been home I've been in nesting mode, cooking, cleaning and organizing. We made a huge breakfast this morning, chocolate gravy and biscuits, eggs and sausages, washed down by freshly squeezed juice. We needed the fuel for school shopping and headed over to Target, one of my favorite stores. I love the owl printed backpack ( I think a Le Sportsac homage) and the silky owl pj's. The blue fabric with white dots is a charming little dress I can't wait to see my girl in. We found almost everything for her first days at school and I'm determined not to freak out. I've heard loads of parents rejoicing the beginning of school, but I find myself dreading it. I know the school is good, she got into Art Space, a school designed to teach academics using the arts. Hopefully, I won't just stare at the clock, waiting for school to get out!
I miss you guys already! We had a lot of fun. Heroes isn't the same without the family time. My knowing glances and exasperated expressions just aren't the same when you guys aren't there.
Next time I'm in Florida, my hunt for our old Monchichi begins!
P.S. Which painting/collage do you want? A trade is only fair!
That's pretty exciting, Azalea going to school next week! Next thing you know she'll be going to college.
Yes, that make-up case will make a great watercolor/gouache box once the make-up is empty. Great idea!
oh honey. prepare thyself. you'll cry when she leaves, you'll watch the clock...but then you'll settle into the routine of it, and it will give you time to rest and prepare for the little one on the way. knowing azalea, she will LOVE school and will come home to you every day with wonderful stories that you can share at the table with snacks. sending you love and encouragement - xoxo
Awww out into the World she goes! A big experience for her, but shell be fine shes been around alot of people with yalls travels. Mon chi chi ohhh my kids loved them too. Two years ago I saw some BIG ones about 24 inches tall they were so neat! x
I had a Monchichi when I was a little girl too. He still lives, in my closet at my parents house. HIs name is "Thumkey." I was ecstatic when I saw a window display full of them at Ranch 99 (a huge Asian grocery store here in Berkeley), last year. What a flashback. Some things are timeless!
I know Azalea will love school. And though you will miss her at first, it will give you some relaxation before the little one arrives.
See you next week!
Now I'm even more sad we missed our cheap NYC chance.
Wednesday, the big day! Sending good thoughts and well wishes for a peaceful transition.
I got your picture message this morning of your big girl off to school! I can't believe it's been so long--I remember visiting you in the hospital after she was born. How is Mama coping?
you will be upset when she goes off to school - it's a huge milestone and change in your schedule... but - she will come home excited and chatting to you about what she is doing, you can go in and help out... and as time loves a vacuum, you will quickly find your time filled and the time will usually fly by... not to mention the new baby! you will be able to take care of certain things while she is at school so you can still have your special time together! my baby is going to be a senior this year - i have knots in my stomach too!
Thanks for all your words of encouragement, everyone! Today was the big day and it was hard, I kept getting misty and sad and the day seemed really long. My girl had loads of fun and we had a good time together cuddling on the couch, watching scooby doo.
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