Here's my girl, lookin' windswept and mermaidy at Diamond Head Park. She begged for her hair to be dyed blue and the stylist asked if streaks were ok and being a push over, I said yes. Look at her face. I'm in trouble.

Almost at the top! The trail is steep, winding, with lots of loose gravel and the views are breathtaking. I learned that I am not keen on heights after slogging up a narrow staircase of a hundred steps and looking back. I froze in horror at what I'd just climbed. I stumbled through the cave to the top and realized I didn't give a fig if I saw the view or not, or that I just hiked an hour to get their. I was fixating on getting down that awful staircase, which I did, one agonizing step after the other, gripping the rusty handrail with both hands. I could feel myself falling, which is sort of sickening. I never imagined myself as having phobias, but I guess I can add dangerous heights to my list. The annoying thing is no one else seemed to think it was scary. Azalea made it all the way to the top and got a certificate to prove she climbed Diamond Head.

The koi pond at Dole Plantation, a touristy spot to get fresh pineapple sorbet or to get lost in the enormous maze on the property.

One of the things I love about Hawaii is all the beautiful vegetation. I looked up and saw this intricate lacework of leaves. This pattern will certainly show up in future work!

Greg and Azalea resting on the bridge with Waimea Falls in the background.

We stumbled on this beach in Haleiwa, on the North Shore, to find sea turtles resting! Talk about serendipity! We just wanted to watch the sunset and maybe a little beachcombing before heading back. It was perfectly magical.

Before we spotted these, we saw some in the water and hoped they would come closer. We found five along that beach.

The crew posing at The Royal Birthing Stones, a ruins where ancient royalty came to have babies. Folks still leave offerings of plumeria and seed leis out of reverence.

We spent a lot of time at the beach, looking for lost treasure, sea glass and shells. It was a hard trip back, three planes and a two hour car ride home, but it was worth it. It felt good to be in my own house, but I long for the warmth and the sea. We were gone for about nine days, which went by fast. I felt a little disconnected, not doing my routine of checking email, cleaning house, working on my book or making new pieces. It was nice, but I missed going through the everyday rhythms that make up my life. I suppose I'm most comfortable in my own surroundings, doing familiar activities. I was back at it, the moment we walked in the door!
Aww! Azalea looks so happy. Thanks so much for posting the pictures from your trip. I hope to go there one day! I also hope I get to see you again soon!! I miss you! -Jenny
How cool is it that your four year old requests funky hair color? I love it. I hope my baby is cool like that.
But yes, judging by her face? You're in for a world of hurt.
siiiggggggggggghhhhh! oh, CYNTHIA, it all sounds so blissful (except for the height thing, i would have weak buckling knees as well)...azalea's hair is beauuutiful, and i love the photo of sweetheart andrew sitting so peacefully with the turtles. i am envious but happy that you've had such a lovely time. welcome home. thinking of you often and grateful for you - xoxo
Her hair looks adorable....mermaids watch out!!
Your girl is so photogenic all the time! What alittle beauty. She looks like she can conquor anything she tries...lol
Hawaii must of been awesome but yea theres no place like home. Welcome home!
Janet x
Cynthia, Thanks for pictures; I lived on North Shore when my 3 children were 2,4, 6 and it was a great time, Warm nights, shave ice i Halieva, Borrowing an occasional pineapple, I returned recently with grown children and their families- what life changing experience.Hawai'i gets in your soul. Azalea is natural for beach ti e, blue hair and adventure.
Glad you had such a sweet experience.. and the turtles. OMG soo special. Joan T
Wow! Talk about enchanted! Your girl is magic! Thanks for letting us enjoy with you...
Wow! Thanks everyone! We had the best time! Look at Andrews pics for more Hawaii fever!
A perfectly beautiful blog!
So beautiful! Love your little mermaid with blue streaks in her hair and am amazed by those turtles. Must have felt like you were part of an ancient ritual :)
oh my goodness!!she gets more precious each and every day.
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