It's unpleasantly chilly outside, but toasty in my studio! Look how nice I cleaned it! Yes, that's organized for me. I long for a japanese minimalism, but its the same kind of wishful thinking that gets pitch black-haired girls like me, goin' blond....a little unnatural, you might say. I've been home for a couple of days and I have to admit its slow getting back in the swing of things. We ran around town, checked out all the new buildings that are being raised in the Biltmore area (a new Barnes and Noble! Stadium seating theaters! Restaurants! Maybe an Anthropologie! ok, pushing it) Then we drove over to the new Wal-Mart, which I proceeded to look at everything and come out with just milk. After all that excitement, I parked my butt on the couch and continued my reading marathon, only stopping to get something for Azalea. I count my lucky stars that she has days when she feels like crafting and is too busy for mama.
Well, I finished the whole Sookie Stackhouse Series (only 8) in about a week. I'm very depressed now. I know I should have paced myself, but I couldn't stop. Now I have to wait till MAY of 2009 for the next one! Perhaps I could implore Charlaine Harris to get me a copy if I made her something, anything that she might like. Kidding. I know no amount of groveling ever made me do anything faster. So, in my agitation I decided to go through a pile of junk that had been in the trunk of the Mustang, which proved to be an unwise decision.
The box in question was a collection of bits and pieces from high school to my days in Ohio, so it had the stink of teen anguish, disappointment and finally, apathy on it. Yikes! The box was filled with many smaller boxes, so I could open one and remember the things within (or not) and move on to the next. The majority of the lot was papers and receipts, reminding me of foolish purchases and just how inexpensive things used to be. The big prize of the batch was old sketchbooks that I thought were lost, a nice thing to come across. I found a list of goals written in one and on it were the following things: 1. Move to L.A. to work at Lucas Films ( I longed to work on Star Wars) 2. If 1. doesn't work out, move to N.Y. to become a painter 3. Go to store and get pistachios, chocolate and dr.pepper 4. Finish painting. Well, well looks like only managed to get the last things on the list! I did move to L.A. but I didn't go to work for George Lucas, by then all the special effects were done on the computer and my sculpting abilities were pretty much useless. Some things don't change though, I still have pistachios, chocolate and dr.pepper on the list. I no longer have the desire to make movie props or to move to N.Y. I remember being so passionate, so on fire, so ready to challenge anyone who said it would be too hard for a girl. I am now content to make things peacefully, procrastinating only for as long as I can get away with it, which in my case, isn't long. So, I walked most of the pile to the trash, wanting to be free of the 'old' me, a person I don't know anymore. It was nice to get rid of it, like weeding a garden. I think I'll do a little more of that tomorrow.
I dreamed of working for Lucas once too, wanted to do puppets... alas, I'm eating chocolate, diet coke and Trader Joes 'sesame honey almonds' (they are addictive!). And I totally get your desire of minimalism and being unable to achieve it! I'll never be able to live simply. Love seeing your studio space, so many wonderful little bits of inspiration and art to look at. I especially love seeing your paintings on the top shelf. The dark forest one to the left is amazing! And those adorable baby photos! And your shelf of curiosities! Perfect space for major creation!!!
I dreamed of working for Lucas once too, wanted to do puppets... alas, I'm eating chocolate, diet coke and Trader Joes 'sesame honey almonds' (they are addictive!). And I totally get your desire of minimalism and being unable to achieve it! I'll never be able to live simply. Love seeing your studio space, so many wonderful little bits of inspiration and art to look at. I especially love seeing your paintings on the top shelf. The dark forest one to the left is amazing! And those adorable baby photos! And your shelf of curiosities! Perfect space for major creation!!!
Youve been blessed to see how you have changed and prospered! And your work staion is really nice! Wheres that little fairy you made and showed us in a post...now where does she lurk?
One day youll have to read the book "The doll people" by Ann Martin and then the sequel to Azaela! Delightful for young and older!
J x
It's hard to pace yourself when a book is good and the Sookie series is a great one. May of 2009? I knew it would be a while but had no idea it would be so long. I will have to search for others to fill the time. :-)
Hey! You need to update your blog more. I'm not there to be there with you guys all the time now. So, I need my Azalea fix, yo!
Does it count if I lived near Skywalker Ranch? I always wanted to be his scriptwriter...you know the one that punches up the script a la Empire Strikes Back? Mhmmm, yeah, no that didn't work out. LOL.
But look at where life has taken you? On the wing of a completely different adventure. One that showcases your unique creativity. A much more satisfying road for sure.
I just started the Sookie Series. I am on Book 2. After finishing up the Mortal Instruments (City of Bones, City of Ashes) books that are currently out. So looking forward to the third and final in the series.
01 December, 2008
I know Cassandra Clare! She's such a gem! So sweet! And really funny.
Ulla- Thanks! Those are older paintings, I wish I had more time for that activity!
Janet- I hear you! I do feel fortunate, everyday! I've got that book on the shelf, in a pile to be read!
Betty- You know its hard! I've been reading short stories while I wait.
Andrew- I am well aware of my blogging slack. I'm busy.
Katarina's Mama- A writer for Lucas Films? That would've been good, as we can see they couldv'e used you! I am happy where I'm at- I think it is better to be my own boss. I have trouble doing what I'm told!
I'll have to look those books up. They sound good and will hopefully distract me from Sookie! I love her.
Andrew- you know everybody, Mr. Popularity!
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