Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cat Girl

Look at who's coming to live with me! I've admired Beth Robinson's work for some time now and I am so happy to add her work to my collection. She makes her dolls from polymer,acrylic, vintage fabric, and human hair. Very creepy in a good way.


Anonymous said...

definitely creepy, but in ridiculously fabulous way!!!

Sophie said...

She's fabulous...reminds me of my darling black cat, Natasha...the yellow eyes...so wise...the white whiskers and black glossy hair...in a word, fabulous.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

I went all over this site. I even followed it to amazon, to the original dollmaker/instructor who recently died but taught so may so wonderfully. I think you got a good deal. Her ooak prices are reasonable. I also think you two should link, if you haven't.

She has a strong Tim Burton streak, do you think? He is not my favorite, but I find the doll YOU chose very fascinating. this makes me want to research dolls. funny I was just writing on my blog about Madame Alexander dolls.

I liked that little fuzzy thing you made for Azalea so much ...I forgot to tell you.

I had a collection of porcelain headed dolls, antique, from my grandmother's house--some so old their dresses were tattered even though they were kept careuly wrapped in tissue. Beautiful dolls, with open mouths and pearly white teeth--sory of creepy, there! They had real hair. I would date them to the 1800's . Kid shoes, etc. lovely to think about.