Working like crazy, preppin' for Tucson. I can't wait, and I dread going. I've never been away from Azalea for more than a few days. I hope I don't crack. That girl is my shooting star!
I've had a couple requests to see pics of my dolls, so here are a couple. They are made from paper clay, polymer, wire, acrylic paint, and natural fibers.
A customer sent a pic of Steven Tyler wearing one of our beads (hot lips) in his hair! Greg has the pic on his blog www.gregogden.blogspot.com Another celebrity sighting! If you spot one of our beads on a star let us know or take picture (I'm sure they would love that, it instills a feeling of being important) and we will send you free beads! I must admit I like seeing our stuff all over the place, it makes all the slaving feel less like slaving and more like working really hard.
Jeremiah (long time buddy and fabulous artist)has a new blog, and it is loads of fun http://smallandround.vox.com/ check it out and see what you think.
I'm on the look out for a good blood orange marmalade recipe. I had one from Martha but I can't find it and its not on her site. If you have one and wish to bring a little happiness to my life, let me know. Speaking blood, i found a flower I love, love, love! A blood lily! Or Scadoxus Multiflorus, to be accurate. See them on this site www.easytogrowbulbs.com and love them too.
What happened to the blood orange marmalade recipe? It's in the Ode to Orange issue. In my heart there is a special place for that issue. Remember how we made EVERYTHING out of that issue? The parchament packet dinners and the marmalade and I think an orange cake as well!
I miss that Baby Shooting Star so much! When I send the PMC pieces, I'll send her presents along as well.
Have the bulbs we planted last year started to sprout yet? You'll have to check and clear away the dead leaves if they are.
hey girly!
I saw the BEST movie last night that has your name written ALL over it!!
Pan's Labyrinth, RUN don't walk to see it. Paul and I kept saying this movie was MEANT for Cynthia.
don't bring Azalea, far too violent for her, get a sitter and GO!
I've heard much about this movie. I plan to see it in Tucson!
Hopefully it's playing in Tucson so that you can check it out. It's only in limited release so far and hasn't hit mainstream yet.
YES we must see it. I saw it yesterday with Troy and it might as well have come out of your head intact. Wait till you see the mandrake!!
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