Hi! Here are some new hand painted pins cast in cold porcelain ( resin infused with porcelain). I spent some time on this batch, having fun with pattern and color. I even coated their tiny eyes with clear resin so they'd look like glass. I'll post some to my shop, but most will go to Bead Fest, PA next week.

Look at Buttercup! So cute. She reminds me of Frick, except nicer, cleaner and less emotional.

Greg has a surprisingly green thumb! When he said he wanted to grow tomatoes, I said ok, but I've killed every kind of plant, no matter how much I love it. I picked this handful for a salad and couldn't believe how much better the flavor was.

I found these in the yard, but have no intention of eating them. I love the look of them, the surprising colors, the plump shapes - but not enough to risk puking my head off, or death. I've heard too many stories of the expert mushroom hunter who killed several folks after mistaking a Destroying Angel for a common edible fungus. No thanks. The only wild mushrooms I'll eat are from the store and easily recognizable. I don't like the really weird ones anyway. It's a textural thing.
Anyway, I've turned into a hermit, only leaving the house/yard if I have to. I haven't gone anywhere all summer, which is unusual for me, since I like to visit friends and family while the kids are home for break. Not this time. I've been absorbed in my studio, attempting to organize areas and have three places left to sort out: felting station, dollhouse area and resin pouring station. The biggest problem is that I have so much stuff with so little storage. Whoever built this house hated the idea of storage, because the closets are all tiny and hard to organize. Anyway, I wish Andrew would come back and help me rearrange again. It's so daunting. My fiber containers alone make me feel like taking a nap. Actually the biggest culprit is all the knick knacks and toys I've picked up over the years. I'm a kid, with a love of dolls and toys unmatched by anyone I know - including my kids. Oh well. It's not at hoarding levels, so it's ok. Every one is different!
So, I've been making all kinds of things for Bead Fest, so check back next week to see what else I get into.
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