Hi! We just returned home from Cincinnatti, where we decided to spend Azalea's spring break. The picture above (with Max in the stroller, Greg and his mom Ann and Azalea) was taken at the Newport Aquarium in a giant tube, with sharks and grouper. I love aquariums and could spend all day surrounded by the peaceful blue light and the graceful undulations of the sea creatures.

My girl was facinated by this primitive catfish. She seemed most interested in either the miniscule (like baby jellyfish smaller than a dime) or the enormous (like the ancient alligator snapping turtle with a head the size of a basketball).

Lately, she's very interested in looking very lady like. She carried that sequined bag everywhere, of course it did contain her necessary equipment: a 20 color hello kitty pen, blank index cards and stickers.

I love this picture! That girl is not afraid to get dirty.

This is funny, just moments before she was preparing to pitch a fit, then I told her if she made a nice face I'd give her some chocolate. As you can see, she wanted that chocolate!

Here's Azalea taking a break from chasing her Uncle Mike (Greg's brother) who was also visiting Cin. from Memphis. While I was there, I researched porcelain on my new laptop, which was a nice way to relax and recover from a cold. Since I've been staring at those Enchanted Dolls so much, the idea of trying out porcelain hasn't left my head. Although I studied ceramics in art school, I never explored the intimidating medium. It was reserved for the serious potters and I was by no means one of those. My pots were heavy, thick and impossible to break, hallmarks of poor throwing skills. Now handbuilding I could do and that was all I did, which in retrospect, was a bad idea. So now I must teach myself how to mold doll parts, miniature sculptures and to paint and draw on pebble-like forms. I've asked the lovely Melanie Brooks from EarthenWoods for advice and she has been very helpful and generously informative. I think she should write a book, since there are so few just about porcelain. I'm imagining carved faces, with watercolor washes and delicately drawn details, unglazed and matte smooth, for sewing onto rag doll bodies. I'm excited and can't wait to begin.
i had to chuckle at the photo of azalea with that purse, so demure and southern she is. it brought back a memory that my mother tells me, of how i LOVED purses when i was little and would always forget and leave them at sunday school; in the church closet she discovered a collection of four or five of them, stacked in a row. maybe that was my way of saying i didn't want to be there, who knows.
max is growing up SO FAST!!!
i can't wait to see what you do with porcelain.....xxx
We love the Aquarium too, it was such a nice addition to the city. Hopefully the birds were on their best behavior, sometimes they squawk so loudly you want to run out of the exhibit.
Good luck with your newest venture.
Cynthia, I saw on Facebook or your blog where you were interested in making porcelain faces especially dolls and misfeatures. The artist in our circles who is best at tiny things, pouring, little figures is
Marsha Hedrick. She has a blog and web site. She belongs to Bead of Clay and live outside of Phoenix and does the Best Bead Show in Tucson.
She has tutorials and many photos of her little snow angels etc.She make tiny little replica pots for
miniature collectors. Do contact her. Joan Tucker
miniatures not misfeatures lol jt
How awesome! I live about six blocks from the aquarium. I'm glad you had a nice time- it's one of my 12 year old step daughter's favorite places, she's obsessed with seals.
Your book is wonderful by the way...after reading it, I purchased a small kiln as metal clay has been designated my next creative adventure!
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