These are a few of the first pictures taken right after my baby was born. We think he's pretty cute. I had been planning a trip to Columbia, SC to attend a doll show in the morning, to visit the booth of one of my favorite dolls, Ellowyne Wilde. Around four in the morning, I started to feel odd, sort of crampy and thought I might be experiancing some contractions you get during the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. About forty minutes later, I realized I was in labor. I guess the cramping every three minutes gave it away. We got ourselves organized and drove to the hospital, trying to figure out what to do with Azalea (since swine flu prevents visitors under 18) and we thought my sister would be here when I gave birth. It was stressful, but one of our friends was available (and awake!) and could take care of our girl. Thankfully, it didn't take long. I was in labor for three hours, then pushed for ten minutes and then my baby was in my arms at 9:14 a.m. Maximus James Ogden, weighing in at 8 lbs. 11 oz. came home at 6 p.m. Halloween day!
I've spent the last few days focusing on healing and breastfeeding. Its seems simple enough, but I've found it just as challenging as with Azalea. My midwife told me to stay in bed for a week, then stay at home for the next. I couldn't stay in bed, but I did stay in the house. Its really hard not to do the normal routine rituals, like checking emails and favorite sites, sweeping and fiddling with my supplies. It is easy to gaze at my baby, marveling at all the wonderful blessings that have come our way. Our family is so filled with love right now, we're fit to bursting with it. Azalea is an amazing big sister, always beside me, ready to help with Little Brother. I could go on and on about how in love I am, but I hear Max calling me.
Many blessings indeed! Wonderful news! What a beauty! Congratulations! Welcome to the world Max!
Cynthia! We were so happy to hear from you guys and to find out about little Max. It's awesome that we both have big fat healthy babies. I'm jealous of your hours, though--mine was 21 hours and ended in a c-section. Fun times. Congratulations to everyone--give me a call if you want to talk babies.
Oh, what a cute baby boy! Congratulations to you all.
Yay! Pictures of Max! I'm glad that your labor was so short and that everything went well for you, Cynthia.
Enjoy this time...I loved it when my little ones were newborn.
Wonderful news that Mommy and Max are both happy and healthy! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son!
Congrats! HA! On Halloween no less!!! HOW PERFECT! Enjoy each and every moment!
j a n e
What a beautiful boy! You must be so in love! Congrats!
Congratulations! He's beautiful.
a beautiful new baby AND a beautiful new book! who could ask for anything more?
Now all is well with the world again and you can get back
to feeling you again! Hes just lovely! x
i am already madly in love with little big max, without having yet met.....beautiful, beautiful boy, the world is loving you......xxooxx
he is so beautiful and i am glad you are both well... isn't it amazing how just when you wonder how you could possibly love another child as much as your first, your heart happily expands to show you... congratulations!
Blessings to your little family Cynthia! What a sweet treat for Halloween! That face is completely at peace and angelic. May it be so all of his days.
Get your rest! That is the one thing I didn't do when I had my kids, especially my second. Take good care of you.
Enjoy the day!
P.S. I got my book yesterday and it is OUTSTANDING! It will easily be the most treasured book in my collection and the one I will go to every time I need INSPIRATION!
Congratulations! I am so glad everyone is healthy, happy and full of love. I can't help but enjoy the timing of a new baby boy and a new book :D
Congrats, Cynthia! Max is absolutely beautiful.
OH YAH! Baby Max is the only thing that could out shine your book! I almost forgot to thank you for your other precious gift, Enchanted Adornments! I'm going to savor every page! Thank you!
sorry, my comment posted twice before i could say that when my kids were born, songs would go through my head... when i had emily, i heard stevie wonder 'isn't she lovely' and with the boys, john lennon's 'beautiful boy'... that was what i heard as soon as i saw those wonderful pictures of new life and love...
Congratulations! He's so beautiful. I'm so happy for you!! *hugs*
Congratulations! Max is so sweet. I remember how wonderful it was to hold these little wonders, all bundled up and content. Life is good!
Congratulations to you all on your new little bundle. He is SO beautiful and already so adored and loved by many!
Take time to let your body heal and get used to being not pregnant any more...
You have done so much for so many recently probably without even knowing it. Your book arriving at so many doorsteps is such a great gift of insight and inspiration to others...
Thank you for bringing a new little life into our world! It will be great to see him grow... Take care of yourself!
Congrats! He is so cute!
Funky Monkey Girl,
Congrats to the whole big(ger) family!
What a beautiful little baby boy! LOVE that first picture of him :o) Congratulations!
He rocks! Just like his sis!
How fun! xox you can ALL go to see Ellowyne next year! :)
He rocks! Just like his sis!
How fun! xox you can ALL go to see Ellowyne next year! :)
Congratulations! What a cutie. I'm so happy for your family and can't wait to meet the new guy in your life. Best, Patti
Oh my gosh! He is just beautiful. Congratulations to your family on the new arrival. Babies are such blessings.
Congratulations on your beautiful son! Take good care of yourself Cynthia.
he is too cute for words.
He's cute! Hopefully I'll get to see him soon in person. The car is being worked on... so I can't drive down just yet.
Hope everything is going well with him and you. Rest up and feel better!
P.S. Sorry you missed your doll convention. I had a feeling that he'd be born that day.
Congrats Cynthia!! Please send my love to Greg, Azalea, and little peanut Maximus. He is absolutely gorgeous!!!
You are all so very blessed!!!
Congratulations Cynthia!! He looks so healthy and I think I see some of Azalea in that top picture. So glad it was an easy labor. Take care, heal, and enjoy this precious time. I hope we get to meet Max soon!
Congratulations! He is so cute. And again thanks for a wonderful book.
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son. May he be a source of joy and inspiration to you always! Many blessings on your family.
I am hoping to come through for Thanksgiving. I'm still trying to get mom and dad to meet up with me there so I don't have to drive ALL the way down to Florida, but you know mama... stubborn.
In any event, I'll be through soon enough to pinch on that baby!
Congratulations on your newest little angel! He is dashing beyond belief! Blessings and love,
Max is amazing! Congratulations and welcome to our world Max :) Much light and warmth to you and your family, Cynthia!!
Gorgeous wee boy! Congratulations - you must all be thrilled to bits!
Congratulations Cynthia, I am just now getting to catch up on my blogs! im so happy for you guys. You make it sound so easy too! I hope I can get up to asheville soon to visit! take care and tell greg i said hi
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