My girl feeding two of the thousands of parakeets at the Atlanta Zoo. She loved doing this.

Andrew and Azalea posing in a huge bronze nest in the bird aviary.

Posing next to mama and baby gorilla statue.

Mama and baby posing with a giant ice cream cone at a gelato cafe.
It seems like we just got home from Atlanta (even though its been three days) and I'm just now returning to my daily rhythm. I'm beginning to feel the weight of baby two...tired, listless, heavy and hard to motivate. This is inconvenient, as I know I have tons to do before I give birth, then nothing gets done because I'll be busy staring at my freshborns face! So, in my haste, I've strung everything out, doll making tools, felting, sculpting, painting and more, my desk piled high with projects I'm hoping to finish. Oddly, not a lot is done. I have lots of almost finished pieces....now I'm wondering what's the best way to tackle the stuff without going crazy. I'm a list maker, so I've surrounded my area and loaded my sketchbook with countless lists of things to do. I took today to play designer and sketched in my book, attempting to relax my brain and find focus. This usually works for me, if I feel burnt out or unmotivated, but it is harder since I'm physically wore out. Maybe there's a special food or tea that will give me a burst of speed (since caffeine is out!).