So I've been holed up in my studio with Andrew and Azalea, all of us working hard to get things done. The days have run into each other, so that I found myself surprised by the passing of time. It seemed like one long afternoon. The monotony of our routine was broken up by a visit from Nina Bagley, fellow artist and NC resident. I met her a long time ago at Art Fest and I think we traded goods and chatted about our mutual friends during one of the bon fire journaling evenings on the Sound, in Pt. Townsend. I recall that as being one of the best times I'd ever had, surrounded by all the artists and creativity! Anyway, Andrew and I fixed a feast, I made slow cooked beef brisket and Andrew cooked the parmesan polenta, strawberry and cream panncottas and the carmelized bacon, which was dang good. I could eat a lot of that business. We discussed all manner of interesting things, told funny stories and I showed her my studio, which I was nervous about. It looks as though we never leave it, beads everywhere, clay and paint at every station and loads of books piled by desks. I got over my embarrassment to show the jewelry for my book and refrained from making Nina look at my doll collection. Even I know that can creep folks out! So the day was passed with lots of laughter and eating and sifting through my beads. I really can't think of a better way to spend the day.
Andrew left yesterday and I've puttered around the house looking lost and disgruntled. He is such a useful and creative person! I found myself saying absently ' what do you think of this?' forgetting he wasn't in the chair opposite mine. Yep, pitiful. He knows it. So, we went out to eat at Azalea Cafe today, to have a bowl of the lobster bisque and squash soup. I felt a little better, but still unhappy my craft buddy is in NY. Yeah, I know that's selfish, but that's how it is. well, bacl to work!
Hi Cynthia! The necklace Andrew made you is so beautiful and magical! I should send him my anne choi bead to make something out of it for me to wear. Poor little owl bead is just sitting here staring blankly at my studio walls.
o cynthia! what a wonderful, magical afternoon we had, and i will forever be grateful to you and andrew!!! i've reminisced about our adventures over and over, and look forward to our next play date. do you remember the tiny little japanese faux pearls? they have already made it onto one of my new pieces, looking very elegant and quiet wrapped aound old lace...
i cannot find your email, this is very frustrating, you will have to send it to me!
thank you again for everything...xoxo
That was such a fun time! Loved it. Can't wait to play again!
Yep, Andrews got skills! I love that piece. I also love your necklace on the cover of Stringing!
Awww lovely jubley that is a nice peice! That little one will be able to write a book herself one day of all the adventures she had growing up with her wonderful artist parents! x
Hi Janet!
My girl is my world, I love her so much! She is quite the storyteller as well! I expect she'll be writing all manner of stories! Can you believe we have been scoping out schools already? She's growing up so fast. Sigh.
I miss you guys! I hope all the finishing details are coming together.
It looks like you guys also had a fun day. I must try this Creme place out. You know we must support the local businesses. Especially the ones that sell sweets.
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