Little Miss Sassy Britches.

Posing with new paper wings acquired from a vendor at Faery Con.

Look what was waiting for us! A huge box from Theo and Holly Black, a surprise package of her most recent books and lots of fun things featuring her fantastic stories of 'Spiderwick' and also art from Theo's company The Black Arts. I love those guys!

My newest, most favorite doll, a brownie by the talented and friendly Wendy Froud. She worked on Yoda, from Star Wars, and the puppets in Labyrith and The Dark Crystal. She also created several childrens books featuring her beautiful dolls. He will be right at home with my family.

My new hip pouch from the fancy-pants steam punk company Skin Graft. I liked their leather jackets, but decided against dropping 1200 dollars on one....I do have a doll habit after all.

Yes, my baby dog was happy to see me! And yes, I did fall to the siren song of comfort that is Crocs. They are metallic purple and very comfy. I like them.
One of the best things in NY, Max Brenners Chocolate- go there and enjoy their deliciously thick Italian hot chocolate. It is so good. I highly suggest the banana bread served with a hot flacon of melted milk chocolate and strawberries. It is soooooo yummy.
Ok, I'm finally home! Thank goodness. I like NY, but it is a different way of life. For example, driving is like some kind of a sport, where the rules are unclear, although one of the objects is to not hit the famished models wandering into traffic. I got very good at paralell parking and navigating through all the illegally parked cars. I loved the shopping, the fashion watching and seeing familiar things from tv. I had an interesting experiance when I went into a Fresh store in Union Square. I love theier fragrance Lychee and Sugar, but I'd never tried their makeup, so the shop girl suggested I try it. She sat me down and proceeded to put concealer on my eyes (yeah, I know, what the heck) and then a generous coat of silver and blue eyeshadow with a considerable dollop of mascara. When she was done, she turned to my brother and asked "what do you think?" his grinning face said it all....she turned me into a working girl. Azalea looked amazed and said 'Mommy you look like Barbie!" I just laughed and bought an over-priced face cream and lip gloss. I noted that the new look attracted a few crazy people, so I won't be sporting that business again. I had a good time, all in all and I'm glad I could run around and see everything. Its good to be back and I am so ready to work on my book! I 'll show some progress pics soon.
Azalea looks so cute! I miss her a lot! How is the baby dove?
How fun!!! I love Holly Black's Valiant series. I just finished Ironside. And my 9 yo is reading the new Spiderwick...I'll have to snag it from him when he's done...and oooh la la la the fairy wings are so fun!!!
I had to LAUGH a big universal laugh at the frosted silver/blue eye shadow! That must be a law of beauty counter make-overs! I've never had one that didn't include some form of frosty silver/blue eyes (why oh why do they think us brown eyed girls should be wearing those colors?!?!?) and bubble gum pink super shinny lips. Ick! Your travels are amazing! Thanks for the "trip" and the laugh!
if you had bought the darn eye make up you'd be sporting that awesome leather jacket from the steampunk company as I type this, Barbie@!!!
ps: rockingly great shoes shoes shoes!
If I came home to a box of books like that I wouldn't know what to do with myself!
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