Hey there! Today is our 4th anniversary! We were married at the Botanical Gardens here in Asheville. It was the most perfect day, we had a fairy procession up tho the gazebo, while Greg played his guitar as I walked up. That was the best day.

Azalea and daddy, having a rest from searching for water fairies. You have to be very quiet, or the pixies won't show themselves!

That's me, staring at my doll with love in my heart, while Andrew digs around in the bank. I think he was hunting for what he colorfully referred to as 'frat kid glass' (the garden is next to a college), lovely, tumbled glass pebbles from broken boro pipes. We deduced this from partially intact specimens laying nearby.

I love this picture, it reminds me of something on a cd cover. Everyone looking off into the distance, slightly bored, except the lead singer, who always gazes right into the lens. I could be just that I'm really tired and everything looks good in this light.

This is my darling, Eva. We named her that because are bestest buddy by the same name, came immediately to mind when I opened the box. She is from Wilde Imaginations new line for fall. Look at the trouble maker heading for a hole in the tree.

Another view (because I know you can't get enough) looking gothic and overdressed in the warm sunshine. I have to say, I love her clothes and shoes and wouldn't mind being 16" tall so I could try them on. Although being any shorter than I am right now doesn't sound that great.
What a day! We went to 'our' garden, visited the place where we said 'forever' and wished our happiness would last another 40 years. We drove the mustang around, praised her purring engine, then promptly ran out of gas. Not surprising in a gas guzzler. We went across the street and filled her up and continued the adventure. I can't count how many times I've run out of gas. In that car especially, the gauge is off, so even if its running on fumes, it shows as having half a tank. It used to not work at all when I was in college and had to gather some art school boys to help me remove the tank from under the trunk. That was an amusing sight. Skinny girl getting dirty under the car with six guys standing around looking blank. Eventually one read the manual and helped. Those were the days I could fix my own car, 'cause I was too broke to take it in to the shop!
Anyway, we got back and worked on the book, Andrew wire wrapping crystals and me writing away. I love the process, so many layers to work on. I've painted backgrounds with jewel toned watercolors, inked decorative borders and made transparencies to lay over backgrounds, to add texture. we are really having fun laying out the pallette of beads to use. Goods are coming out that I didn't even know I had, vintage swarovski's, baby blue kyanite strands, faceted pearls....Andrew jokes that folks are going to get annoyed if I use too many hard to find beads! I can't help it, I'm a collector and my collection is vast. So, I'm dying to post pics of our progress, but its all unfinished and I don't want folks to see before its done- pieces can change so quickly. We shall see what I have the nerve to show.....