Hi there! Look at this fabulous handbag that Anne Choi sent to me! She knew that Ellowyne would love it. Yes I'm obsessed. While I'm carving, I'm thinking of handbeading a dress, or sewing a miniature corset. I'm considering designing a line of tiny charms, so she can wear GGS! That would be a real trick, carving a tiny version of something already small.
Ok, here is the news.......I'm writing a book on mixed media jewelry and I just signed the contracts! Yay! The good folks at Interweave Press will be publishing it and I couldn't be happier, because I love their books and magazines. They produce some of the best stuff: Stringing, Beadwork and Fiber Art (just to name a few).
The book will be presented like an artists journal, with watercolors and drawings, loads of useful tips and overflowing with magical looking examples. I will go over techniques using polymer, pmc (like creating your own ojime, making a bezel to fill, creating your own stamps, bead caps, chain and more!) I'm adamant that it will be worth the money (which is important to me, something you'd know if you took one of my classes- no one leaves until they are satisfied). This is partly because I hate to feel gypped and don't want anyone else to feel that way and I'm a perfectionist and can't abide the thought of doing something half-assed. So, it will be a lot of work, but I'm determined to make something useful and inspiring. I've been dying to put up pictures of the projects and of the sketchbook I submitted, but I wanted to sign first then show the goods. I'm so excited! I feel really fortunate to have this opportunity to share my knowledge of these materials. I've spent the past 12 years learning, making mistakes, experimenting and discovering ways to make beautiful things. It makes me happy to share.