Friday, June 04, 2010

crab daddy

Greg looks at his brood of baby crabs, pleased and satisfied with his handiwork. They look pretty realistic spread out over the table, seeming to scuttle about, waving their claws at one another.


  1. AWESOME! Calder is very into ocean life and is desperate to have one! Will they come in pewter?

  2. Thanks you guys! These will only come in shibuichi, as they are quite time consuming to make (that and pewter isn't a hard enough metal to have thin joints that won't bend).

  3. Hey there - sorry to be a pest but I'm so so excited about these crabs. When will they be available in your shop?

  4. Hi ellenD! Thanks so much for your interest! We don't know when they will be available as they are tricky to make and we have about 30 of them right now, destined for the show. Its like the perk for those who come to have first pick, which sounds unfair, but its a lot of work to prep for them and we count on the customers who come. So, theres no set time of availability, as we don't know ourselves. I'll post when we have another batch ready, which won't be till after the show.

  5. Count me in on one who wants one! They're adorable! Hugs, Lucy


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