Wednesday, February 24, 2010

turn of events

The events of the past couple of days have left us surprised and a bit tired out. I had to remove my 'fighting back' post because it worked! We are now being taken seriously and there is no need to make the point. The response was huge. I thought a few people would send in a note...nope, my inbox is full. Its a good feeling, to know that there are so many folks that have our back.

I'm researching symbols that embody community, family and good intentions. As an artist who is completely entranced by symbolism, its often more time consuming to develop the perfect image to accompany an idea. I want to share how this experiance has affected us. How can I put into words how it feels to be small and then to see so many come to our aid? I can't, not really. So I will send out this token into the world, to remind us that we are not alone, or powerless.


  1. This is good news.
    I contemplated writing my own post about what was going on, but I think this will blow over soon. but you should know, I love you and your family like my own, I would only purchase your artwork directly and would never fall for the "fake" crap that Forever Silvers created. I knew it couldn't be good when I saw that necklace in Stringing.
    I hope it all works out in your favor!!!

  2. well done. such a wonderful thing to know that you are loved, respected and supported. blessings - kvk

  3. Oh the cloud is lifted...wonderful news! Well a symbol? Maye a heart yes I know youve made many hearts but youve been shown love so Love is a heart. And wings on the sides but wrapped around itself like being you have been embraced by so many! Then a halo on top floating. Thats my idea for you for what its worth! So many huggs to you little Momma!
    Janet xox

  4. Wonderful! I'll remove my post as well.

  5. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. My prayers and thoughts have been with you and your family and Andrew.
    Enjoy the day!

  6. There is a poem by Adrienne Rich that says: "the power is in the same place as the pain."

    Out of you pain could arise a new kind of powerful sense of community. The best to you and your family. Joan T

  7. Looking at that site again, I noticed your designs weren't the only ones I recognized. I'll bet Tiffany & Co. would be very interested to know that someone is reproducing and selling their iconic heart pendant...

    In any case, I'm so glad people are rallying for you. We love you!

  8. hi cynthia
    im so glad its working out, it never hurts to ask for help. Since you were just telling us about this when we were at your house, I felt really bad that you had to go through this hassle again.
    hang in there! I hope to visit Asheville soon and have a PMC day!

  9. I am very happy for you. Good to hear that it turned out well.

  10. I am so sorry that this happened and sorrier I never wrote you. I don't read magazines much any more and I never realized exactly what was going on although I admit I saw something from your bro about this. I would have personally written you and offered to kick some butt (we have wrestlers in my family)if I had known! You are all very precious to me.

    xox jean


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