Hi! This post is arriving a bit late....but only because we've been so busy enjoying the season, by attending festivals and staring at all the gorgeous leaves! So, this time I'd like your thoughts on an idea for a bi-monthly competition using GGS goods or projects from our book, Enchanted Adornments. Several folks have sent photos of jewelry they've made using techniques from the book and of pieces made with our beads. Its always exciting to see how creative people can be! To enter this giveaway, leave a comment in this post - if its something you'd participate in, or ideas you might have about how we should go about it. Thanks for your input!
I loved what Lorelei did on her blog to have everyone use the same beads and make something. You could do a variation on that and have everyone use a specific GGS bead or a specific technique from the book. Then you could have readers vote on the pieces.
Yes Id def be intrested! Im always it seems making something with one of your Owls, birds or a nest. This sounds like a great idea of yours a bi monthly competition. I think all you have to do really is Announce it on your Blog and people will crawl out of the woodwork! Having people add the announcement to their facebooks would spread the word like fire too. Great idea!
I wish it would cool off here...leaves are still green and ACs are still on its still hot good golly enuf I say! lol. Send some coloured leaves this way!
PS thats a mighty fine nugget!
i love your idea,i participated in both Lorelei and Gaea's challenges where there was a set theme..it was very fun and challenging too.
Projects from your book sounds interesting.
I would love to participate in a Green Girl Challenge~you could require a certain technique or a certain fairy theme found in Enchanted Adornments.
Have a Enchanted Autumn!
I love design contests/challenges so, yes, I'd be interested.
Using the same bead or have the same book project as a theme would be interesting, eventhough I don't have the book and can't afford buying new beads all the time. So personally I might not be able to enter as often as I'd like, but it'd be fun to see what others do from a mutual starting point.
But some sort of theme is always useful and sparks my creativity. Be it a poem, legend, word, colour, material or other thing the entries should be inspired by.
Personally, I like challenges where the winner isn't chosen based on public voting for a change. I feel sorry for those who don't have many friends to ask for a vote while others can rally up tonnes of votes from friends and family. I also know some beaders who don't want to participate in contests/challenges with this type of voting as they think it's unfair. Now, *I* would still participate regardless of voting system and I know others *like* public voting systems so I really think it's important *you* should choose the method you yourself prefer and feel most comfortable with. I just wanted to mention this issue. Some just allow those who've entered to vote -- that's a good "middle road", I think.
PS! That kitty is soooo cute!
I'd love to see a challenge using your creations with a theme, such as 'magical forest', or something like that. :)
I think it would be very cool to see if artists can use the techniques from you book for things other than jewelry - or incorporating your beads into projects out of the ordinary. I would LOVE to see these type works and get ideas from other artists too.
I would most definitely be interested in a challenge. I find that I hoard my GGS pieces! A challenge might be just the thing to help me let go of some of them.
I would definitely participate. I have your book and several of your charms, but have not made anything yet. This would be a good motivator and I wouldn't even care to win, just to play. Maybe your challenge wouldn't even need a winner, just to see everyone's finished projects.
A challenge would be fun.I like seeing everybody's spin on a common component,beads etc etc
Instead of a "contest" maybe the participants names could be in a drawing for a little prize or something like that(everybody seems to be using that random number picker thingie on their giveaways to make things fair)
I would be interested. Maybe it would be nice to announce a theme or a technique and then let people choose which GGS product(s) the use in their projects.
I would say pick a theme and have people submit photos of their work and let your website readers vote.
Hi I just received my copy of your book today and think you have select the perfect name for it it was enchanted. Iris
I would be interested, but really have never had the time to try any of the projects yet. It would be a great way to get motivated.
Love this weeks prize goodies!!!
I would be very interested. Might push me to start creating again.
I like to see what different people do w/ the same components! I love your skully heart
A GGS challenge! That would be fun, love your beads. Use them often.
A contest would be a wonderful way to be both motivated and inventive- I'm in! I love the idea of themes or Enchanted Adornment inspiration. Perhaps you could use your dolls as characters for people to use as a creative springboard. They are so magical, it would be fun to design for them. Gorgeous prize as always!
Lisa G.
I think that's a really lovely idea! I have your book (and love it) but have been a little scared about doing any of the the projects so far dues to the mixed media nature. I'd love this kind of push to get me stuck in! Beautiful beads here as always.
I love a challenge! Especially one where you demonstrate your creativity! Perhaps people could use the other participants to troubleshoot and ask for advice on projects.
I like swopemelmel's idea
It would be great to have people create something and also have to tell the story that goes with it, like your book does. It would showcase not only everyone's creativity with jewelry design but also their imagination in spinning a tale. Anyone who has children has probably made up many stories on the spot. I would love the opportunity to write a story as an adult and tie it in with my jewelry creation. It also gives "the challenge" that Project Runway twist!
A design contest sounds like a great idea. possibly themed. i also agree with some of the others that the winner should not be chosen by the public in order to avoid a populatity contest. I love my ggs pieces!
Using one of your paintings as inspiration would be a lovely way to do a design challenge.
I'd love to see challenges based on your book or whatever you dream up for us. I'm reading your book now. It is just what I needed to help me focus on what I want to create.
Yours is one of my favorite books because of the sweet love story it hides. It would be great fun to either use a specific item or technique and see where everyone goes with it!
! agree that a challenge would be fun - I am having trouble getting motivated! Also, one idea for a them - my boys are in an annual school play at Christmastime. This year, they are doing this neat piece to the tune of "The Twelfth Day of Christmas" - except it's about the months - and each month has a representative costume and feeling - i.e, "June's gentle breezes," with a green dress and flower headband...Maybe you could do a monthly theme drawing based on weather/colors of the season?
Yes, please. I would adore seeing what lovely things are being made from your amazing book and jewelry pieces! Your book is hands down is in my top 3 favorite all time books. I love the way projects, the directions and the lovely stories. I have gotten them for all the girls in my family as gifts and even made my baby girl ( ok ok she is 22 now) a necklace that was REALLY hard to give away to her. haha!
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